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This is a notifications microservice that implements hyped technologies, such as kafka and nestjs.
The main goal of this project was to understand key concepts of kafka and nestjs.
✔️ Login into ticktick;
✔️ Add tasks;
✔️ Get user tasks;
✔️ Get user projects;
✔️ Get user project groups
✔️ Get user tags
✔️ Get user filters
✔️ Get user habits
In order to use this project in your computer, you need to have the following items:
- npm: To install the package. Npm is installed alongside nodejs;
- nodejs: To actually run the package.
If you want to make changes to the source code, it is recommended to also install the following items:
- git: To work with version controlling;
- vscode: Useful for editing the code. You can choose a similar editor as you wish.
To use it from the registry, first install the npm package:
# Install the package
npm install ticktick-api-lvt
And you can normally use it in your code as it follows:
import { Tick } from 'ticktick-api-lvt';
async function main() {
const USERNAME = 'username';
const PASSWORD = 'password';
const tickSession = new Tick({ username: USERNAME, password: PASSWORD });
const hasLoggedIn = await tickSession.login();
if (!hasLoggedIn) {
throw new Error('Coudnt login with this username/password.');
// const userPreferences = await tickSession.getUserSettings()
// console.log(Object.keys(userPreferences))
// const allAllTasks = await tickSession.getAllTasks();
// console.log(allAllTasks.map((item) => item.title));
// const tasks = await tickSession.getTasks();
// console.log(tasks.map((item) => item.title));
// const filters = await tickSession.getFilters();
// console.log(filters.map((item) => item.name));
// const projectGroups = await tickSession.getProjectGroups();
// console.log(projectGroups.map((item) => item.name));
// const projects = await tickSession.getProjects();
// console.log(projects.map((item) => item.name));
// const habits = await tickSession.getHabits();
// console.log(habits.map((item) => item.name));
// const tags = await tickSession.getTags();
// console.log(tags);
// uncomment the methods you want to see ;)
To see further examples, check out the examples folder.
To setup this project in your computer, download it in this link or run the following commands:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/lucasvtiradentes/ticktick-api-lvt
# Go into the repository
$ cd ticktick-api-lvt
After download it, go to the project folder and run these commands:
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the typescript code in development mode
$ npm run dev
If you want to contribute to the project, after you make the necessary changes, run these commands to check if everything is working fine:
# Compile the code into javascript
$ npm run build
# Run the compiled code in production mode
$ npm run start
This project uses the following thechnologies:
This project uses the best of two main conventions to commit messages validation:
- conventional commits: it's powerfull messages structure;
- gitmoji: it's beutiful and visual way to display commits.
So a typically valid commit message has this pattern:
🔧 config: add lint-staged to the project (#2)
Also, in order to have this integration working correctly, I buld a script that we can specify only allowed types and it take care to update both commitizen and commitlint settings.
Boilermanager is distributed under the terms of the MIT License Version 2.0. A complete version of the license is available in the LICENSE file in this repository. Any contribution made to this project will be licensed under the MIT License Version 2.0.
if you want to positivily impact this project, consider:
- ⭐ Star this repository: my goal is to impact the maximum number of developers around the world;
- ✍️ Fix english mistakes I might have made in this project, may it be in the DOCS or even in the code (I'm a portuguese natural speaker);
- ❤️ Say thanks: kind words have a huge impact in anyone's life;
- 💰 Donate: if you want to support my work even more, consider make a small donation. I would be really happy!
Any questions or suggestions? You are welcome to discuss it on: