In mongodb db->Collections->Document->key/values In RDBMS database->table->row->column
show dbs
use <user_specified_name_of_db>
show collections
- db.createCollection("test")
db.test.insert({"name":"Kshitij","city":"Ambala","title":"Software Developer"})
_id is unique identifier created by mongo on its own by which we can find the time of record creation
mongo uses BSON(Binary JSON)
custom queries
- db.test.find({"name":"Jack"},{"name":1}) // called projection in mongodb similar to select name from test where name="John"
- db.test.find({"$or":["name":"Jim"},{"name":"Jack"}]}).pretty()
- db.test.find({"name":{"$in":["John","Jack"]}})
- db.test.find //it will show documentation in nodeJS
- db.test.getIndexes()
- db.test.createIndex({"name":1})//accepts boolean 1 means consider 0 means don't consider