Releases: theiagen/public_health_viral_genomics
Releases · theiagen/public_health_viral_genomics
Bug Fixes:
- Augur prep pango_lineages not recognized by augur; reverted back to pangolin_lineages header
- Ensure percent_reference_coverage calculated by unambiguous bases only
- Add percent primer trim to output
- Add BioProject Accession to GenBank metadata file (Mercury Prep workflows)
Bug Fixes:
- pangolin tasks now use 4 cpus, not 40
- Pangolin Update write to proper output column ("pango_lineage")
- Ensure all outputs for Titan output namings in sync
- Update GenBank metadata formatting to match NCBI standards (Mercury Prep workflows)
- Add local tests wdl file for Titan Illumina PE
- Create test dir with template configs
- Add clock rate and std dev as optional input to Augur Run
Minor updates:
- Address issue with ivar trim & improperly-formatted bed files
-- Update ivar docker tag
-- Make bed file required input for Titan_Illumina_PE - Change output headers to sync with Broad
- Fix issue with sample exclusion in Titan_Auspice_Run output
- Remove comment blocks from sarscov2_nextstrain_modified
New workflows:
- Titan_Augur_Prep: workflow to prepare SC2 sample metadata file for Augur analysis
- Titan_Augur_Run: workflow for SC2 cluster investigations. Titan_Augur_Run will run Augur without a subsampling module using a modified version of the Braod's sarscov2_nextstrain WDL workflow to create an Auspice JSON file; output from the modified sarscov2_nextstrain workflow will also be used to infer SNP distances and create a static PDF report
- Pangolin_Update: Run pangolin on samples with a specified docker image
Modified workflows:
- Mercury Batch: must provide samplename array to enable output that describes which samples were batched and excluded for each repository (batched_samples.tsv and excluded_samples.tsv)
Bug fixes and unnecessary code removed
- Fixed issue with Mercury batch and inclusion of samples with >0 vadr alerts
- Removed variant_num output in Titan workflows and unnecessary echo statements
First stable release of Titan and Mercury workflows
Fix header issue in metadata_upload files
Added the Titan and Mercury workflows
First stable dev release