#Docker Dupe This app allows you to copy docker layers and manifests from one docker registry server to another directly.
Normally, you'd have to do something like:
docker pull my.registry.com/my-image:latest
docker tag my.registry.com/my-image:latest newregistry.company.com/my-image:latest
docker push newregistry.company.com/my-image:latest
This will take a long time, consume a lot of local disk space, and it requires your intermediate host be running docker at all.
Docker Dupe copies directly from registry to registry with no local storage necessary.
Manifests are kept unmodified, and signed with their original signature to preserve chain of trust.
Simply run docker-dupe with the parameters you wish to use, and off it'll go:
docker-dupe -s http://my.registry.com -d http://newregistry.company.com -n my-image -t latest -c 4
docker-dupe [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
--debug Enable DEBUG logging
-V, --version Print version and exit
-s, --source= Source docker registry URL
-d, --dest= Destination docker registry URL
-n, --name= Docker manifest name to pull from source
-t, --tag= Docker manifest tag to pull from source
-c, --concurrency= Concurrent operation limit (default: 4)
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message