This plug allows us to cache our graphql queries and phoenix controller requests declaritevly
We call the cache inside either a resolver or a controller action and this will store it preventing further executions of our query on repeat requests.
The goal of this plug is to short-circuit any processing phoenix would normally do upon request including json decoding/parsing, the only step that should run is telemetry
This package can be installed by adding request_cache_plug
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:request_cache_plug, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be found at
This is the default config, it can all be changed
config :request_cache_plug,
enabled?: true,
verbose?: false,
graphql_paths: ["/graphiql", "/graphql"],
conn_priv_key: :__shared_request_cache__,
request_cache_module: RequestCache.ConCacheStore,
default_ttl: :timer.hours(1),
default_concache_opts: [
ttl_check_interval: :timer.seconds(1),
acquire_lock_timeout: :timer.seconds(1),
ets_options: [write_concurrency: true, read_concurrency: true]
This plug is intended to be inserted into the endpoint.ex
fairly early in the pipeline,
it should go after telemetry but before our parsers
plug Plug.Telemetry, event_prefix: [:phoenix, :endpoint]
plug RequestCache.Plug
plug Plug.Parsers,
parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart, :json],
pass: ["*/*"]
We also need to setup a before_send hook to our absinthe_plug (if not using absinthe you can skip this step)
plug Absinthe.Plug, before_send: {RequestCache, :connect_absinthe_context_to_conn}
What this does is allow us to see the results of items we put onto our request context from within plugs coming after absinthe
After that we can utilize our cache in a few ways
def index(conn, params) do
|> put_status(200)
|> json(%{...})
def all(params, _resolution) do
# Instead of returning {:ok, value} we return this, :timer.seconds(60))
field :user, :user do
arg :id, non_null(:id)
middleware RequestCache.Middleware, ttl: :timer.seconds(60)
resolve &Resolvers.User.find/2
We have a few ways to control the caching location of our RequestCache, by default if you have con_cache
we have access to RequestCache.ConCacheStore
which is the default setting
However we can override this by setting config :request_cache, :request_cache_module, MyCustomCache
Caching module will be expected to have the following API:
def get(key) do
def put(key, ttl, value) do
You are responsible for starting the cache, including ConCacheStore, so if you're planning to use it make sure
you add RequestCache.ConCacheStore
to the application.ex list of children
Specifying the module per function is currently not fully implemented, check back soon for updates
We can also override the module for a particular request by passing the option to our graphql middleware or
our &
function as [ttl: 123, cache: MyCacheModule]
field :user, :user do
arg :id, non_null(:id)
middleware RequestCache.Middleware, ttl: :timer.seconds(60), cache: MyCacheModule
resolve &Resolvers.User.find/2
def all(params, resolution) do, ttl: :timer.seconds(60), cache: MyCacheModule)
def index(conn, params) do, ttl: :timer.seconds(60), cache: MyCacheModule)
- In order for this caching to work, we cannot be using POST requests as specced out by GraphQL, not for queries at least, fortunately this doesn't actually matter since we can use any http method we want (there will be a limit to query size), in a production app you may be doing this already due to the caching you gain from CloudFlare
- Caches for gql are stored via the name parameter that comes back from the query (for now) so you must name your queries to get caching
- Absinthe and ConCache are optional dependencies, if you don't have them you won't have access to
- If no ConCache is found, you must set
config :request_cache_module
to something else
In the case of a large (16mb) payload running through absinthe, this plug cuts down response times from 400+ms -> <400μs