A library that adds onto the Ecto.Migration set of functions to help support more complex use cases.
Currently supports the Blitz Backend Elixir team deal with partitioned tables, indexes and constraints.
This library also defines a CaseTemplate BlitzMigration.MigrationCase
which lets you synchronously test out
a series of migrations as if sandboxed.
Usage is nice and simple. These functions don't follow the macro interface provided by Ecto.Migrations and are just simple function calls that are context aware of the correct repo when used in Migration files.
defmodule BlitzMigration.Repo.Migrations.PartitionConstraintTest do
use Ecto.Migration
def up do
#create a table that will be referenced
create table(:foreign_table) do
add :field, :string
#create the parent table for partitions
create table("partitions", options: "PARTITION BY LIST (key)") do
add :key, :int, primary_key: true
add :field, :string
add :ref_id, :id
#create partitions with BlitzMigration
[1, 2, 3],
fn partition_value -> "IN (#{partition_value})" end, #sets the clause for the partition
create_default?: true #creates a default partition for when no clauses match
#create foreign key constraints on each partition
foreign: [
key: "ref_id",
ref_table: "foreign_table",
ref_key: "id"
#teardown for the specific scenario
def down do
drop table("partitions"), mode: :cascade
drop table(:foreign_table)
One requirements from the user is to be aware of the flush/0 function and using it when changes are required to take place.
Another is that although each function provided by BlitzMigration
is self contained with :up
and :down
context awareness,
migrations are procedural and in the case of creating a parent table and its partitions in the same migration file, the :down
will not
work because of conflicts. <- this needs to be further explored
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding blitz_migration
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:blitz_migration, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/blitz_migration.