This project consists of a raytracer implementation in Java. It renders .obj files and spheres with either a Lambert or Blinn-Phong shaders. The program includes reflection (recursive), refraction, multiple lights, shadows (optional) and also affine transformations of the objects such as three-axis rotation, scaling and translation.
Java version (JRE or JDK): jre1.8.0_241
Execution environment: JavaSE-1.8
Download the folder RayTracer15_MarianaAvalos
and store it in your computer. This is all the source code.
Import the folder to Eclipse IDE.
On the files
folder you can add .OBJ files to render.
On the class
you can change the objects that are rendered in the scene.
The pdf file RayTracingReport_MarianaAvalos.pdf
explains the theory I used for the rendering algorithm.
The program outputs three different scenes.
The first scene focuses mainly on the rendering of refraction. This is the output of the first scene:
The second scene focuses on reflection, potentially recursive when you have two reflective objects in front of each other. The output of the second scene is the following:
The third scene focuses on rendering reflection and refraction combined in one material. For this, I coded a loop for 360 frames and created a video that shows how translation, rotation and scaling is also implemented as one of the features. Download the output video here. However, a sample frame from that video is stored in this repo and its gif version is the following:
This is one of my favorite projects and I am very honored that it was chosen for display at SIGGRAPH 2019 Student Work Exhibit, celebrated in Los Angeles, California.