Searching through Spotify's library using Node js
- Clone using "git clone";
- Download and install node.js and npm from;
- In the root folder, install the request module using "npm install request";
- Modify the contents of the search.txt file as required, following a CSV format:
- Track name;
- Artist;
- Run the code throgh "node {app.js | app_popularity_only.js} [search.txt]" command, where [search.txt] is the input file containing the input.
- All results will be output to a [search].out file.
app.js will generate the following structure:
- Track name (input);
- Artist(s) (input);
- Track name (output);
- Artist(s) (output);
- Album name;
- Big size album cover;
- Medium size album cover;
- Small size album cover;
- Track URI;
- Popularity;
app_popularity_only.js will generate the following structure instead:
- Track name (input);
- Artist(s) (input);
- Popularity;