Releases: terraframe/geoprism-registry
Releases · terraframe/geoprism-registry
1.3.0 (2023-07-17)
- explorer include parents from inherited hierarchies in parents tab (#911) (4b8fe)
- importer multithreaded importing (982e9)
- lists allow public access to the list version page (37d10)
Bug Fixes
- fixed application labels not being localized. #900 (#900) (08718)
- changed the initial explorer bounds of an object to use the most recent geometry (#902) (c7545)
- dhis2-sync error message details empty for external system synchronization (#909) (11d82)
- explorer parent auto-complete dropdown missing labels (#913) (75742)
- georegistry-server/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities The following vulnerabilities are fixed with an upgrade:- (bd27f)
1.2.2 (2023-06-23)
- ability to edit external ids in explorer and change requests (#872) (67bac)
- dhis2 support for dhis2 v2.40.0 (#897) (face8)
- improve system logging (10c71)
Bug Fixes
- explorer removed autocomplete behaviour when searching (#895) (a0004)
- synchronization inherited types displaying duplicate or extra values (#896) (c45c7)
- synchronization null pointer when syncing translations with dhis2 (#898) (73492)
- synchronization too many codes in a sync error makes page unreadable (#898) (4620e)
- explorer validity 'Yes' and 'No' labels for Geo-Objects swapped (#908) (94404)
- dhis2-sync better error handling and form validation (#910) (8e69b)
- georegistry-server/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities The following vulnerabilities are fixed with an upgrade:- (7474c)
1.2.1 (2023-06-15)
- ability to edit external ids in explorer and change requests (#872) (67bac)
- dhis2 support for dhis2 v2.40.0 (#897) (face8)
- improve system logging (10c71)
Bug Fixes
- explorer removed autocomplete behaviour when searching (#895) (a0004)
- synchronization inherited types displaying duplicate or extra values (#896) (c45c7)
- synchronization null pointer when syncing translations with dhis2 (#898) (73492)
- synchronization too many codes in a sync error makes page unreadable (#898) (4620e)
- explorer validity 'Yes' and 'No' labels for Geo-Objects swapped (#908) (94404)
- importer Large geometries causing issues
- georegistry-server/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities The following vulnerabilities are fixed with an upgrade:- (7474c)
1.2.0 (2023-04-12)
Bug Fixes
- change-request privacy setting always disabled on edit (bb741)
- settings removing system logo throwing error (58466)
- jobs canceling a job does nothing if the import type was deleted (7b699)
- georegistry-server/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities The following vulnerabilities are fixed with an upgrade:- (bd27f)
1.1.1 (2023-03-13)
Bug Fixes
- explorer searching for hyphenated GeoObjects (#879) (b058a)
- dhis2 point geometries not syncing properly to dhis2 (#887) (784be)
- account submit button on user profile editor does nothing (1993d)
- oauth clicking on oauth button does nothing (d435e)
- hierarchy-manager unspecified error thrown when importing types from xml (939e0)
1.1.0 (2023-02-27)
This release includes two major breaking changes: upgrading of OrientDB from v3.0 to v3.2 and upgrading Postgres/PostGIS from v9.5-3.0 to v14-3.2. Please refer to the Database Migration section of our documentation for detailed migration instructions.
Note: The v1.0 version of our docker-compose.yml file was already set to use PostgreSQL version 14-3.2. If this applies to you, then you might not need to perform a PostgreSQL migration. The PostgreSQL breaking change was included here because our cloud customers were migrated to PostgreSQL v14 as part of this release.
- upgrade Orientdb to v3.2 (2ce9b)
- upgrade Postgres to v14 (64a01)
- explorer show lat/long when not editing (#317) (be8d0)
- change-request ability to submit a create CR with no code (#401) (e8cd8)
- api optional hierarchy parameter on getChildGeoObjects/getParentGeoObjects (72dc7)
- made attribute ordering consistent between a list and its exported spreadsheet, shapefile, and data dictionary (00c50)
- explorer geo-Object search now displays a message if there a no results and gives look ahead options when typing (a666a)
- lists editing or creating a geo object will automatically update all working list versions of that geo object type to include the edits (cf6a7)
Bug Fixes
- lists enforce read-only list-type properties (#569) (e26d8)
- explorer date picker cut off (#763) (e58f4)
- lists localize labels (#794) (4dbe8)
- lists fixed issue with updating list periods for a frequency-based series, the new lists not in chronological order #835 (#835) (22680)
- explorer show list when viewing record in working version (#862) (0b5d7)
- hierarchies lao translation showing in english version (#877) (28e98)
- localization fixed issue where the locale of the user creating a type shows for the default locale if the default locale is not an exact match to theusers locale. #877 (#877) (277e1)
- synchronization add inherited types to dhis2 sync config (#878) (15539)
- geo-object-editor unspecified error creating new time range (#883) (5a8c3)
- geo-object-editor unspecified error creating new time range (#884) (5a8c3)
- import adjusted UI of problem resolution for synonyms (35a36)
- lists fixed bug where published lists do not show on the list entries page if only a single version has been published and the user belongs toa different organization (c3c5c)
- localization deadlock which could occur with active users on a system installing a new locale (bcf94)
1.0.0 (2022-12-02)
- explorer rendering list records as selected layer (#862) (a8c6c)
- synchronization group related errors and classify no parent exception as warning (95aff)
- dhis2 support for version 2.39 (08fcc)
- external-system alert users if the dhis2 server is unsupported (150a0)
- metadata to support attribute groupings in a list (4ddee)
- synchronization synchronize with dhis2 in bulk submissions (7de21)
- support for viewing lists in a panel on explorer (514da)
- ability to export and refresh a list from the list modal if the user has permissions (51b24)
- changed table state to be cleared on log out. preserve state of multiple different tables (4334e)
- store table state in local storage so that it can be used on multiple pages (64550)
- support for custom localized attributes (830aa)
- on linking from the list to the explorer open the geo object if the user has write permissions (51271)
- ability to restore state for the generic table widget (8c802)
- synchronization support for DHIS2 geometry syncing on DHIS2 servers > 31 (6a926)
- added 'sync non-existent Geo-Objects' option to dhis2 sync config (8f2d5)
- improve performance of list-type/entries API endpoint (85f51)
- allow users to sync exist's period dates to dhis2 (ac448)
- shapefile Made projection checking optional (e64c4)
Bug Fixes
- support for localized text attribute on business types (fdd53)
- external-system duplicate data constraints on external ids (11b02)
- dhis2 target attribute sometimes would not populate correctly (af73b)
- synchronization added preferred locale as well as other bugfixes (6cab4)
- fix bug preventing deleting point geometries (ee325)
- searching for geo-objects in explorer with apostrophe silently failing (35b1b)
- no longer allow the user to edit the hierarchy definitions of existing lists (bac5d)
- navigator attribute panel styling bug on firefox (43392)
- navigator stability period not correct when viewing from list (d131d)
- synchronization dhis2 translations not syncing correctly (92a83)
- synchronization best fit locales in translations where the countries do not match (93533)
- don't export infinity date to DHIS2 (54505)
- layer pin not displaying correctly (fcf93)
- navigator back button not working (358e7)
- don't export invalid Geo-Objects to DHIS2 (34232)
- expand list of DHIS2 versions that our server can connect to (6f343)
- Fixed mismatch of versions between the test project and the others (fb035)