A theme for Pharo Smalltalk. A dark, darker theme with yellowish/orange accent colors for those who prefer black backgrounds.
In the image, either use Iceberg to fetch the current repository or use the following:
Metacello new
baseline: 'DarkerDawnTheme';
repository: 'github://terpon/PharoDarkerDawnTheme:pharo13/src';
Changing the colors by overriding the UITheme
(and color configurator) is not enough to have a consistent and pleasing look for very dark themes. Some graphical elements are icons and the default icon set was chosen to work on lighter themes.
A darker icon pack is necessary to get the look on the above screenshot. For Pharo13 development branch, you can download one tag like darkDawn-pharo13dev-1 directly in the image:
| dark |
dark := ThemeIcons named: 'darkerDawn'.
dark url: 'https://github.com/terpon/pharo-icon-packs/archive/refs/tags/darkDawn-pharo13dev-1.zip'.
dark downloadFromUrl.
ThemeIcons current: dark.
The theme is originally based on PharoDawnTheme https://github.com/sebastianconcept/PharoDawnTheme