Ansible role to setup and configure linux auditd.
Possible visualization with R.
It was tested on the following versions:
- 2.2
- 2.5
- 2.10
- Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04
- Centos 7, 8
- Suse 12.x, 15.x
Just include this role in your list. For example
- hosts: all
- juju4.auditd
Nothing specific for now.
This role has a travis basic test (for github), more advanced with kitchen and also a Vagrantfile (test/vagrant). Default kitchen config (.kitchen.yml) is lxd-based, while (.kitchen.vagrant.yml) is vagrant/virtualbox based.
Once you ensured all necessary roles are present, You can test with:
$ gem install kitchen-ansible kitchen-lxd_cli kitchen-sync kitchen-vagrant
$ cd /path/to/roles/juju4.auditd
$ kitchen verify
$ kitchen login
$ KITCHEN_YAML=".kitchen.vagrant.yml" kitchen verify
$ cd /path/to/roles/juju4.auditd/test/vagrant
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
As auditd is linked to the kernel, role will not do any change when executed inside containers.
watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for Xs! [kauditd:22]
,audit: backlog limit exceeded
,audit: kauditd hold queue overflow
observed even with grubaudit_backlog_limit=8192
added variable auditd_grub_enable and default false. Use carefully. kauditd hold queue overflow in 4.11, Sep 2017 Event overflow during boot, May 2017
BSD 2-clause