B.Sc Dissertation: Investigating the role of emotions and cognitive biases in political decision making through sentiment analysis of Twitter data using ML
Architecture choices:
- Bidirectional LSTM - to determine polarity of a tweet
- Bayesian inference - to analyze LSTM output and make predictions
Technologies used:
Data collection:
- Tweepy - twitter API for data scraping
Data preprocessing:
- Pandas - handling large amounts of data
- Regex - general noise removal
- NLTK - tokenization, stemming, lemmatization, stopword removal
- Glob - merging multiple csvs into one
Data analysis:
- Numpy - handling high-dimensional mathematical operations
- sklearn - feature extraction and word embedding
- Keras - testing different architectures, picked Bidirectional LSTM after comparing accuracy of different models
- pymc3 - Bayesian Inference with NUTS sampler