This is a Standard ML implementation of a bidirectional dependent type checker based on Coquand's algorithm [1].
The type checker is quite simple, it implements a core dependent type system with just:
- Lambda abstractions (λ-terms)
- Let expressions
- Function application
- Dependent function types (Π-types)
- A single universe
datatype Expression =
Variable of Identifier
| Application of Expression * Expression
| Abstraction of Identifier * Expression
| LetBinding of Identifier * Expression * Expression * Expression
| PiType of Identifier * Expression * Expression
| BaseType
datatype Value =
GenericValue of int
| AppValue of Value * Value
| TypeValue
| Closure of (Identifier * Value) list * Expression
The expression
type represents the language AST and the value
represents the semantic domain, using closures to handle envs for lexical scoping.
The core of the type checker uses a bidirectional approach implemented in the mutually recursive functions checkExpression
and inferExpression
checkExpression (k, ρ, Γ) e A = ...
inferExpression (k, ρ, Γ) e = ...
These correspond to the judgments:
The normalFormValue
fn implements a simple Normalization by Evaluation strategy to compare types up to β-equivalence.
normalFormValue value =
case value of
AppValue (func, arg) => applyValue (normalFormValue func) (normalFormValue arg)
| Closure (env, body) => evaluate env body
| _ => value
Here's how we can represent and type-check the polymorphic identity function:
val identityFunction = Abstraction ("A", Abstraction ("x", Variable "x"))
val identityType = PiType ("A", TypeConstant, PiType ("x", Variable "A", Variable "A"))
val test = typecheck identityFunction identityType
This corresponds to the
So far this just implements the paper but some stuff to add might be:
- Σ-types
- Agda-like hierarchy of universes
- Inductive types????
[1] Coquand, T. (1996). An algorithm for type-checking dependent types