This ROS package adds topic and action based interface to the optoforce driver developed in Tecnalia.
Within cfg folder acquisition_params.yaml file can be found. This file is loaded when optoforce_node.launch is executed.
acquisition_params.yaml contains all relevant configuration parameters that can be modified. It's important to point that as many as defined devices have to be phisically plugged in order to execute properly.
Two type of acquisition frequencies can be modified:
# Publish frequency
loop_rate: 100 # Frecuency in Hz, in which topics will be published
# Acquisition frecuency
# Frecuency in Hz, in which the program will read from DAQ
# This frequency has to be equal of faster than OptoForce Transmission speed
acquisition_freq: 1000
# OptoForce Sensors to be opened.
- name: "device_name"
# OptoForce DAQ Transmission frequency in Hz
speed: 1000
Th following commands are used to get the read wrench published as WrenchStamped
roslaunch optoforce_ros optoforce_node.launch
# for activating the WrenchStamped publication
rostopic pub /optoforce_node/start_publishing std_msgs/Bool "data: true"
# for stopping the publication
rostopic pub /optoforce_node/start_publishing std_msgs/Bool "data: false"
- Using rqt_plot
For example, for a IRE005 OptoForce device
rqt_plot /optoforce_node/wrench_IRE005/wrench/force
rqt_plot /optoforce_node/wrench_IRE005/wrench/torque
- Using gnuplot:
The node can save data in a csv file, and a easy way to plot this csv file is using gnuplot
set datafile separator ";"
plot "filename.csv" using 1:2 with lines title "Fx(N)", "filename.csv" using 1:3 with lines title "Fy(N)", "filename.csv" using 1:4 with lines title "Fz(N)"
OptoForce: EtherDAQ ROS driver
Shadow Robot: ROS-Serial driver
LARICS-Lab: OMD based ROS driver