Deploy KeyCloak as WAR in your WildFly server. By default creates demo-realm with users and installs admin user. Data is kept in H2 database ${}/keycloak.db
Just copy the WAR into the deployments/ directory of your WildFly/EAP server and start. Then point your browser to
and login as admin.
Admin user is kept in file META-INF/keycloak-add-user.json which is copied at startup of the WAR to ${jboss.server.config.dir}/
Username: admin Password: RcSTU63zAMkpUqhGGuSCmU9wIbXuDSpv+
Start Server
./ -Dkeycloak.connectionsJpa.url='jdbc:h2:${}/keycloak'
Configure realm in running KeyCloak and STOP server via Control-C or kill
Copy set-export-properties.cli to bin/ directory, edit and run it
sh --file=set-export-properties.cli
Run KeyCloak/WildFly again
./ -Dkeycloak.connectionsJpa.url='jdbc:h2:${}/keycloak'
After export is done SHUTDOWN the process via Control-C or kill
Unset properties via CLI
sh --file=unset-export-properties.cli
If you do not want to keep data between restarts use a in-memory data base
./ -Dkeycloak.connectionsJpa.url='jdbc:h2:mem:keycloak;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE'