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Install thor mang vigir gazebo

Alberto Romay edited this page Jun 10, 2016 · 5 revisions

The following assumes you followed the common install instructions here. This installation installs onboard software, OCS (Operator Control Station) and Thor-Mang specific robot model and gazebo simulation packages. After install, everyting shown in this manipulation demo video can be reproduced.

  • Run the install script:

Note there might be a reported issue due to Gazebo2 package not being installable. You can safely ignore this.

  • Build
vigir make
  • Run (terminal 1)
roslaunch thor_mang_gazebo start_thor_mang_default_all_onboard.launch world:=worlds/
  • Run (terminal 2)
roslaunch thor_mang_ocs thor_mang_ocs.launch

If you want to use the FlexBE Chrome app, you also have to follow these instructions.