This is the Hack Reactor Front End Capstone. The challenge was to create a modernized retail portal based on design specifications and requirements outlined by project stakeholders. As a group, we created a dynamic e-commerce browsing experience on an accelerated development timeline, with each team member builing out one of the four required components.
We utilized React on to implement a responsive, single-page application capable of rendering data from a third-party API. We implemented click tracking with higher order React components.
Although the emphasis of this project was front-end development, we utilized an Express for Node.js server to route requests to a RESTful API with necessary authorization added. Express compression middleware was used for optimization.
A goal of this project was to deeply understand CSS without importing addtional styling frameworks, so all styling and functional implementations were written purely with CSS. The app includes both a light mode and a dark mode, which were implemented using only CSS.
Using npm, install project dependencies:
npm install
Using webpack, bundle the files:
npm run build
To run the server:
npm start