For the i3wm minimalists... A bash script to change your wallpaper daily to the NASA's astronomy picture of the day.
- before using the script for the first time use check dependency mode to make sure you have all required packages installed
/path to the script/ -d
to run the script via i3 config add the following lines to your ~/.i3/config
exec --no-startup-id "/path to the script/"
exec_always feh --no-fehbg --bg-fill ~/Documents/wallpapers/apod/apod.png
if you want to use cron instead either use crontab or if you are using cron.* call the script with su - USERNAME -c "/path to the script/" or similar so that the script will not be executed as root.
add the following line if you want to use the same wallpaper for the i3lock, in my case I have bound l for the lock screen
bindsym l exec --no-startup-id "i3lock -c 000000 -i ~/Documents/wallpapers/apod/apod_lock.png", mode "default"
you can switch to an older wallpaper by using the option -c with a positive integer indicating the number of days to go backwards Switching to yesterdays picture: -c 1
to switch back to todays picture use one of the following commands -c 0 -c today
to switch to a random day within the last year use the -r option -r
by default apodFetch is in "fill" mode
fill option fits the picture to the screen width -c 0 fill
center option will center the picture on the screen without resizing it. Pictures which are bigger than the screen resolution will be zoomed in. -c 0 center
fitall option will resize the picture so that it completely fits in the screen. -c 0 fitall