This is a IP logger I made that sends the IP of the visitor of a website to Discord as an embed message.
Note 28-03-2022: I think I am going to create a more detailed setup guide soon. (If I don't forget to)
Note 04-08-2022: I might have forgotten to create a more detailed tutorial. BUT I will make an updated version of this project, so stay tuned!
Note 15-12-2022: Just continued working on the updated version
- Grabs the IP of all page visitors (except for bots/crawlers).
- Gets some basic information about the visitor's IP and browser.
- Checks if the IP is a VPN (Not always 100% correct).
- Gets the Geo Location of the visitor and also gives a Google Maps link.
Step 1: Go into the settings of your Discord server, where you want the embeds to come trough.
Step 2: Click the 'Webhooks' tab and create a webhook for the channel of choice.
Step 3: After the webhook is created, copy the webhook link.
Step 4: Set the webhook url in Discord.php to the one you just copied.
Step 5: Copy the code of the index.php and paste is somewhere in your code.
The code will automatically run when the page loads.
If you need help with something you can always ask it.
My Discord: Jeroenimo02#2380
If you have suggestions for this project: