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Exported JSON Format

tallbl0nde edited this page Jul 8, 2021 · 1 revision

All play data that can be read by NX-Activity-Log is included in the exported JSON (i.e. the system's data and any imported data).

The JSON has the following format

  • exportString: Timestamp of export in human readable format
  • exportTimestamp: Timestamp of export in POSIX
  • exportVersion: Version of NX-Activity-Log that exported the data
  • users: Array of users on the system
    • id: Unique ID of user
    • name: Username of user
    • titles: Array of titles played by the user
      • events: Array of play events for the title by the user (see libnx/switchbrew for an explanation of these)
        • clockTimestamp: Timestamp in POSIX of event
        • steadyTimestamp: Timestamp of a 'steady' clock, used to calculation duration between events as the clock may change
        • type: Type of play event
      • id: Unique ID of title (otherwise known as Title ID or Program ID)
      • name: Name of title (in system's locale)
      • summary: Object containing summary of play stats for the title by the user
        • firstPlayed: Time in POSIX of first play
        • lastPlayed: Time in POSIX of last play
        • launches: Number of times the game was launched
        • playtime: Playtime in seconds
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