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Getting Started

Firstly set environment variables:

DATABASE_URL="postgres://..."  # if using postgresql
NODE_ENV="dev" or "production"
NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY="" # from clerkjs dashboard
CLERK_SECRET_KEY="" # from clerkjs dashboard

To run developement server,

git clone


npm install
npm run dev

Explanation of Website Features

  • Text Post Creation: Users have the ability to create and publish text-based posts on the website.

  • Commenting Functionality: Users can comment on each individual post, allowing for interactive discussions and engagement.

  • Homepage, Post Page, and User Profile Page: The website consists of three main pages. The homepage serves as the central hub where users can discover and browse through various posts. The post page provides detailed information and content for each specific post. The user profile page showcases information and activities related to a particular user.

  • Responsive Design: The website incorporates a responsive design approach, ensuring optimal viewing and usability across a variety of devices, such as desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones.



If you would like to contribute to this repository's code, please feel free to raise issues or submit pull requests. As a self-taught developer, I would greatly appreciate your support and contributions.


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