install arangodb. follow this guide
Create new db:
in arango shell:
> db._createDatabase("dota_leagues", {}, [{username: "login", passwd: "pass", active: true}])
create config file config.json
(you can edit it to set arangodb credentials), or just copy an example
cp config.json.example config.json
run project
go run dota_league
navigate to http://localhost:1323
copy files to the server:
rsync --cvs-exclude -av ./dota_league [email protected]:work
build executable
go build dota_league
or start as a service
sudo cp dota-league.service /lib/systemd/system/dota-league.service
sudo systemctl start dota-league
sudo systemctl enable dota-league
get service logs:
journalctl -u dota-league.service
arango database dump:
arangodump --server.database dota_leagues