Our ip address management system is basically a running NIPAP instance with two frontends:
- nipap-www for advanced users (typically backbone maintainers)
- nipap-wizard for others
The Makefile in v0.26.4 seems to be broken. There are patches in directory
to fix this. You will need postgresql
and virtualenv2
as well.
Get source and patch it:
$ git clone [email protected]:freifunk-berlin/nipap-wizard.git
$ git clone https://github.com/SpriteLink/NIPAP
$ cd NIPAP
$ virtualenv2 env
$ . env/bin/activate
$ cd nipap
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd ..
$ git checkout v0.26.4
$ patch -p1 < ../nipap-wizard/patches/0001-Do-not-install-files-globally-no-root-privileges-nee.patch
$ patch -p1 < ../nipap-wizard/patches/0002-Fix-Makefile-tables-seems-to-be-in-the-wrong-order.patch
$ bash utilities/install-ip4r.sh
Install nipap:
$ cd nipap
$ python setup install
$ cp nipap.conf.dist nipap.conf
$ vim nipap.conf # set debug=True, pid_file and db_path (something locally)
$ python nipap-passwd -c nipap.conf --create-database
$ cd ..
Install pynipap:
$ cd ../pynipap
$ python setup install
Install nipap-www:
$ cd nipap
# add user 'foo' with password 'bar'
$ python nipap-passwd -c nipap.conf -a foo -p bar -n 'NIPAP web UI' -t
$ vim nipap.conf # set xmlrpc_uri
$ cd ../nipap-www
$ cp development.ini devel.ini
$ vim devel.ini # set nipap_config_path
$ python setup.py install
$ pip install WebOb==1.3.1 # see https://github.com/SpriteLink/NIPAP/issues/624
$ cd ..
Start everything:
$ cd nipap
$ python nipapd -c nipap.conf
$ cd nipap-www
$ paster serve devel.ini
Nipap and nipap-www should run now:
$ cd nipap-wizard
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cp config.cfg.dist config.cfg
$ vim config.cfg # add MAIL_PORT = 1025 for development
We use flask-migrate for database creation and migrations. To create our database and tables you have to use the following commands:
$ python manage.py db init
$ python manage.py db migrate
$ python manage.py db upgrade
Dev Server (including dev smtp server for emails)
$ python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025
$ python manage.py runserver -p 5001
* Running on
* Restarting with reloader