This work shows that combustion of cotton gin trash into syngas using a gas turbine and a generator set can produce electricity and ammonia via electrolysis profitably. Using hourly electricity prices, monthly ammonia prices and annual gin trash data, we simulate distributions across a nine-month season and calculate annual, and cumulative profit and return on investment over a 12-year period. Optimization iterates over 10,000 years. Our model is flexible and allows for month-to-month operational decision-making.
Code for operations model to optimize profit for a given installed capacity
Marginal cost:
Fixed cost:
$P_p$ is peak electricity price;$E_p$ is the MWe of electricity sold each month at peak prices; -
$P_{UB}$ is sub peak electricity price;$E_{UB}$ is the MWe of electricity sold each month at subpeak prices; -
$P_{LB}$ is the price of base electricity;$E_{LB}$ is the MWe of electricity each month at base prices; -
$P_M$ is the price of ammonia, M;$E_M$ is electricity in MWe required to produce M (11 is needed to produce every ton of ammonia, M); - ME is the number of ammonia processors, which ranges from 0 to 2;
- C is installed power capacity, which ranges from 1-5 MWe for the small gin and 1-9 MWe for medium gins;
$GW_f$ is gin waste sold as feed
Subject to:
$(E_p + E_{UB} + E_{LB} + E_M + GW_f) \leq CGW$ $(E_p + E_{UB} + E_{LB} + E_M) \leq 5403*C$ $0 \leq E_p \leq 1071$ $0 \leq E_{UB} \leq 2432$ $0 \leq E_{LB} \leq 1900$ $0 \leq M \leq 550$ $0 \leq E_M \leq 6050$
Code for bayesian data simulation
Specify regression model. For example, to simulate cotton gin waste (CGW) from precipitation (PPT), we may use the following model:
We then enter a loop where in each iteration,
Details: Lacombe, D. J. (2022). Bayesian Regression Tutorial
Plotting code
Summary plot code