A bunch of very detailed and easy to read / understand examples written in Rust.
cargo build --all && target/debug/rust_01_hello_world
cargo build --bin rust_01_hello_world
cargo run --bin rust_01_hello_world
- rust_01_...: rust basics - println!
- rust_02_...: rust basics - variables / tuples / parse int / array
- rust_03_...: rust basics - functions
- rust_04_...: rust basics - if / loop / while / for
- rust_05_...: rust basics - match
- rust_06_...: rust basics - ownership / borrowing (basic)
- rust_07_...: rust basics - vector / hash map
- rust_08_...: rust basics - struct / struct functions (e.g. ~ class methods)
- rust_09_...: rust basics - traits
- rust_10_...: rust basics - unit tests
- rust_11_...: rust basics - traits 2 aka Box aka function return struct (impl trait Describe) + RangeBounds example
- rust_12_...: rust basics - closures aka lambda
- rust_13_...: rust basics - spawn thread(s) + map reduce example
- rust_14_...: rust basics - channel to communicate between threads (mpsc: multi producer, single consumer)
- rust_15_...: implementing an even number iterator + defaults for function arg
- rust_16_...: another way to implement defaults for function arg (impl trait From / Default)
- rust_17_...: rust basics - error handling + keyword: ?
- rust_18_...: sharing a value between threads with Atomic Reference Counting (Arc)
- rust_19_...: function that can return multi error types (complex - 4 != implementations)
- rust_20_...: thread + Mutex (+ Arc + parking_lot example)
- rust_21_...: rust basics - enum (enum with data)
- rust_22_...: impl Into for a struct
- rust_23_...: generic function / struct
- rust_24_...: implicit type conversion (coercion)
- rust_25_...: Path & PathBuf (filepath) + generic: (AsRef) / (Into)
- rust_26_...: A simple macro
- rust_27_...: rust basics - Cow
- rust_28_...: impl IntoInter for a struct
- rust_29_...: Cell & RefCell + interior mutability from this blog
- rust_30_...: impl Deref & DerefMut trait for a struct
tokio_tcp_echo: an uppercase echo tcp server
- run the server:
- cargo run
- for the client, use nc:
- nc 6161 (Ctrl-C to exit)
- run the server:
- type annotation in async closure
- generic error type in order to use ? in async func
- rust async common mistakes from this blog
- Use nc 8081 to interact with 2nd example
tokio_tcp_tls: an uppercase tcp/tls server / client
- gen certificate with certs/*.sh scripts (require openssl)
- server_self_signed.rs / client_self_signed.rs: self signed certificate handling
- server_ca_signed.rs / client_ca_signed.rs: certificate signed with local CA
- main.rs / client_ca_signed_client_auth: cert signed with local CA + client auth (aka mTLS)
- Check Readme in tokio_tcp_tls
- Understanding Pin / Unpin + wrapping AsyncRead
- from fasterthanli.me tutorial
tokio_crate_loom_01: testing concurrent code under the C11 memory model
- RUSTFLAGS="--cfg loom" cargo test --release
- hyper_01_http_post: http server & client using hyper crate
- run the server:
- cargo run
- run the client (or use curl, cmd line example in src files)
- cargo run --example 03_client
- run the server:
rust_crate_clap_01: command line argument parsing using clap
- cargo run -- --hostname -k http3 "hello there!" -vvv
- examples:
- sub command (using Derive)
- cargo run --example clap_subcommand -- --message hero stderr -p "Ola! new" -s 1234
- sub command (using Derive)
rust_crate_flume_01: mpmc queue (sync & async)
- cargo run
- Flume + queue peek (future):
- cargo run --example flume_peek
rust_crate_serde_yaml_01: Serde (serialization / deserialization) + Serde yaml
- basic example
- cargo run
- custom deserialization
- cargo run --example custom de
- validate_field (eg. non empty vec):
- cargo run --example validate_field
- DE to enum:
- cargo run --example ipaddr_or_domain_name
- basic example
rust_crate_thiserror_anyhow_01: handling error easily using thiserror or anyhow crates
- cargo run
- RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run
- Full backtrace is printed when println! anyhow error
rust_crate_nom_01: how to parse a jpeg file (binary file) using nom
- wget https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/JPEG_example_flower.jpg
- cargo run -- JPEG_example_flower.jpg
- Examples:
- nom_ref: nom length count + zero copy read
- context: nom context
- generate a ppm image and use rayon to process image data in // using rayon
- cargo run
- xdg-open image.ppm
- xdg-open image_gray_std.ppm
- xdg-open image_gray_rayon.ppm
- cargo run
- generate a ppm image and use rayon to process image data in // using rayon
rust_crate_small_strings_01: from fasterthanli.me tutorial * crate: smol_str / smart_string
- String are stack allocated if small enough, heap allocated otherwise
- crate: argh (cmd line argument parsing lib)
- custom memory allocator
- alloc report to json file
- How to run:
- Read json using Serde + &str:
- rm -f events.ldjson && ../target/debug/rust_crate_small_strings_01 sample --lib std 2> events.ldjson
- Generate report:
- ../target/debug/rust_crate_small_strings_01 report events.ldjson
- Read json using Serde + smol_str:
- rm -f events.ldjson && ../target/debug/rust_crate_small_strings_01 sample --lib smol 2> events.ldjson
- Generate report:
- ../target/debug/rust_crate_small_strings_01 report events.ldjson
- Read json using Serde + smart_string:
- rm -f events.ldjson && ../target/debug/rust_crate_small_strings_01 sample --lib smart 2> events.ldjson
- Generate report:
- ../target/debug/rust_crate_small_strings_01 report events.ldjson
- Read json using Serde + &str:
- String are stack allocated if small enough, heap allocated otherwise