Marketplace — is an extensible one-click modules and themes installer with command line and Magento backend interfaces. It allows to add unlimited number of custom software update channels and install modules and themes from any third-party vendor including official Magento Marketplace.
composer require swissup/module-marketplace
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Activate update channel and enter access keys:
bin/magento marketplace:channel:enable
Install the package(s) you need:
# Download and enable module: bin/magento marketplace:package:require <package/name> # Run one-click installer (if module provides it): bin/magento marketplace:package:install <package/name>
That's all. Check your store frontend now!
Some modules requires additional configuration after installation. Please refer to the module documentation.
Navigate to System > Tools > Marketplace page.
Open Configuration panel, activate and add access keys to the channel you'd like to use.
Search for the module you'd like to install, and press Install button.
That's all. Check your store frontend now!
Some modules requires additional configuration after installation. Please refer to the module documentation.
Custom update channels are registered via separate module with di.xml
instructions. See following examples:
One-click installer is registered with etc/marketplace/installer.xml
See following examples:
Yes. But via CLI only.
Yes. But via CLI only. Here is an example:
# 1. Add your private repository to the composer.json
composer config repositories.<id> vcs
# 2. Setup auth data. Get token at
bin/magento marketplace:auth <token>
# 3. Use marketplace to download the module and run installer (if any)
bin/magento marketplace:package:require <package/name>
bin/magento marketplace:package:install <package/name>