- MintNFT Contract (in this farmer can mint NFT & add/update metadata of their tokenId)
1. mintNFT: arguments(uint256 tokenId) In this user has to pass tokenId, & mint their land.
2. addMetadata: arguments (uint256 tokenId, string memory tokenURI) in this user can add their metadata & update their metadata.
- Marketplace Contract (in this farmer can put their land on sell, buyer can buy land of farmer based on their choice)
1. Struct sellerDetails:{ address sellerAddr, uint256 price, uint256 tokenId }
2. putLandOnSell: argument (uint256 tokenId, uint256 priceOfLand) It is onlyOwner function. & store all details into sellerDetails struct.
3. removeFromSell: argument(uint256 tokenId) onlyOwner can remove land from sell. It is a close contract feature.
4. buyLand: argument (uint256 tokenId/ structId) in this function buyer can buy land and pay price to the farmer.
Custody wallet which supports polygon network:
- Venly wallet
- Circle