Releases: susy2015/TopTagger
Update to fix subtile bug in cross cleaning bug which would affect events which rerun the tagger from saved top tagger candidates in nanoAOD
Add code for resolved top Pt upper cut
This release is meant to be used with the V6 postprocessing of the Stop0l nanoAOD
This release is intended to be used with the stop0l post processing v3
This tag is designed to use with the stop0l nanoAOD post processing V3. It adds support for adding the resolved tagger systematics and scale factors to the top objects .
Update to the Stop0l_NanoAOD_production_V2.2 release to adding a precision limit to the outputs of the TopTaggerProducer postprocessor module.
Update to the Stop0l_NanoAOD_production_V2.1 release to fix an issue causing the DeepTopProducer module of the nanoAOD post processor to crash. This fixes the issue by casting the numpy ints to python ints as it seems numpy ints cannot be used as array indices for TTreeReaderArray objects.
This release is intended to be the base release for the top tagger for the upcoming v2 production of the nanoAOD postprocessing.
The update from V2.0 changes how the softlink for the TopTaggerInterface library works to make the code run on condor.
This release is intended to be the base release for the top tagger for the upcoming v2 production of the nanoAOD postprocessing.
Important updates from V1 for nanoAOD production is a fix for deepFlavour in 2018 Data/MC.