Distillery config provider for Consul KV with minium dependencies.
The package can be installed by adding distillery_consul
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:distillery_consul, "~> 0.1.0"},
{:jason, "~> 1.1"}
Then add provider to your release configuration in rel/config.exs
release :app do
set version: current_version(:app)
set applications: [
set config_providers: [
{DistilleryConsul.Provider, [
host: "http://localhost",
port: 8500,
token: "ConsulAccessToken12345" # may be absent
Now you can use {:consul, "some/key"}
as value in your Elixir configuration file.
The following configuration:
config :app,
rate_limit: {:consul, :integer, "app/rate_limit"},
url: {:consul, :string, "app/url"},
level: {:consul, :atom, "app/level"}
They will be changed based on values in Consul KV during release startup:
$ _build/dev/rel/app/bin/app console
iex([email protected])1> Application.get_all_env(:app)
[rate_limit: 100, url: "https:/example.com:8081/service", level: :info]