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How Does It Work?

Cali edited this page May 19, 2024 · 1 revision

The Basics

Beautiful Lyrics privately hosts its own Lyrics Service that uses Spotify Track Information and External Lyric Providers to accurately match Lyrics to the song you are listening to.

A common misconception is that Beautiful Lyrics manually syncs song Lyrics or uses AI to do that work; it does not, Beautiful Lyrics relies on existing databases to get that information.

Why do some Songs have Karaoke Lyrics and others don't?

Often times people believe Beautiful Lyrics will make every song have Karaoke lyrics - unfortunately, as nice as that would be - it does not do that. What it does do is look through existing Databases to find the best Synced Lyrics possible.

But what determines in those Databases whether a song has Karaoke, Line, or Static Lyrics? This is really up to the Artists/Labels, in the end, they are the ones who determine how much effort they want to put into their lyrics and what type they submit to these Databases. Beautiful Lyrics has nothing to do with that.

How does the Lyrics Service work?

The Lyrics Service on its own is rather simple: it'll utilize the track information from the Spotify Track ID to then find songs that are nearly identical in description, then for every song that meets our parameters we get Lyrics for them and find the best candidate (these candidates are split into duration differences and then narrowed down by the type of Lyrics they are; Karaoke, Line, or Static). Once that's done we return the result to the Extension in the Beautiful Lyrics Lyric Format.

How is the Lyrics Service hosted?

Even though the Lyrics Service is privately hosted, it doesn't mean that it is running on a VPS. Everything Beautiful Lyrics does is ran on Cloudflare, which is an incredibly safe and data conscious platform. This means that the Lyrics Service runs on the edge, ensuring almost near instant return times for Songs that already had Lyrics fetched for them in the past or super fast return times for Songs with no Lyrics fetched for them yet.

No (public or private) information (like your Spotify AccessToken) is stored anywhere, eventually, the Lyrics Service will be open-sourced (this is planned after the Lyrics Editor update is out).