Releases: suratovvlad/qbittorrent-installer
Fresh darkest release of the qBittorrent
Thanks for your support!
- qbittorrent 4.3.2
- Updated different dependencies
Sorry, but you still need first to delete previous installation.
However, if you want you could unpack attached mingw package and replace in your installation qbittorent.exe and other files.
Support my work:
Support my work:
P.S. Original qbittorrent supports themes out of the box now, but I will continue to maintain my modification
for some time, because libqdark is able to change theme automatically on Windows 10 system setting.
Fresh darkest release of the qBittorrent
Thanks for your support!
- qbittorrent 4.2.3
Sorry, but you still need first to delete previous installation.
However if you want you could unpack attached mingw package and replace in your installation qbittorent.exe and other files.
Support my work:
P.S. Original qbittorrent supports themes out of the box now, but I will continue to maintain my modification
for some time, because libqdark is able to change theme automatically on Windows 10 system setting.
Fresh darkest release of the qBittorrent
Thanks for your support!
- qbittorrent 4.2.2
- Updated different dependencies
Sorry, but you still need first to delete previous installation.
Support my work:
P.S. Original qbittorrent supports themes out of the box now, but I will continue to maintain my modification
for some time, because libqdark is able to change theme automatically on Windows 10 system setting.
Fresh darkest release of the qBittorrent
Thanks for your support!
- Qt to 5.14.1
- qbittorrent to 4.2.1
- libqdark to 0.5.7
- Updated different dependencies
Sorry, but you still need first to delete previous installation.
Support my work:
P.S. Original qbittorrent supports themes out of the box now, but I will continue to maintain my modification
for some time, because libqdark is able to change theme automatically on Windows 10 system setting.
Fresh darkest release of the qBittorrent
- qbittorrent to 4.2.0-RC
- Deleted python 3.8 executable
- Updated different dependencies
Sorry, but you still need first to delete previous installation.
Support my work:
P.S. Original qbittorrent supports themes out of the box now, but I will continue to maintain my modification
for some time, because libqdark is able to change theme automatically on Windows 10 system setting.
Fresh darkest release of the qBittorrent
- qbittorrent to
- Added Python 3.8 executable to work with search engine out of the box
Sorry, but you still need first to delete previous installation.
Support my work:
Fresh darkest release of the qBittorrent
- Qt to 5.13
- qbittorrent to 4.1.9
- Fixed an issue with installing with admin rights (temporary solution that using unofficial build of last revision QIFW 3.1. branch)
- Fixed selection of x86 folder
Fresh darkest release of the qBittorrent
- qbittorrent to 4.1.7
- libqdark to 0.5.6
- Fixed an issue with installing with admin rights (temporary solution is using official build of QIFW 3.1.1)
- Decreased size of the installation
Support my work:
Fresh darkest release of the qBittorrent
Update build with latest libqdark 0.5.5
Latest libqdark is here
It contains an option with old version of stylesheet, fix for saving config file on Windows and also fix for some colors in qbittorrent.
Fresh darkest release of the qBittorrent
Based on stable 4.1.6.
Libqdark fixes coming soon with separate build
UPD. Add test version of new libqdark.dll