Simplified Rust version of Matrix (Last update: 2018.04.29)
Created for ShanghaiTech SIST new students' manual. Also uploaded in
- Matrix calcluation
- Generics
- Standard operators, e.g.,
Matrices are widely used both in mathematics and computer sciences, such as game thoery and economics. In this homework, you will implement a module for matrix calculation.
is defined in Backus-Naur Form, see BNF Wiki.- In case you don't know matrix or linear algebra well, search on internet,it is not too diffcult to understand. Programs are used to solve real-world problems. However, to understand the problems, you may have to learn some domain knowledge related to the problems.
Matrix::= "[" Rows "]" | "[" "]"
Rows::= Row | Row ";" Rows
Row::= element | element "," Row
element::= integer | floating | generic types
Implement a struct Matrix
with generic type parameter T
for representing matrix and implement the following operations for the Matrix struct.
Matrix instance can be created by calling
Matrix::new(num_row, num_col, &[data])
, implement new for Matrix withCopy
trait. You do not need to check if the size of data matches the dimension. -
Matrix instance can be created by parsing a string. Implement
trait so that we can generate a matrix usingx = s.parse::<Matrix<T>>()
, wheres
is a string in Matrix syntax allowing white space" "
is the type parameter for Matrix which is specified when callingparse
. If the strings
does not follow the Matrix syntax, returnResult::Err(ParseMatrixError)
is a enum defined as follow. -
Define a
called ParseMatrixError as follow:#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ParseMatrixError { WrongBracketFormat, ColumnsNotAligned, ParseNumberError, }
If an error occurred when parsing the string, return one type of error in
. When the first and the last character in the whitespace-trimmed string is not[
, returnWrongBracketFormat
. If the matrix has different number of elements in all rows, returnColumnsNotAligned
. If a number cannot be extracted from an element token, returnParseNumberError
- To output the matrix in Matrix syntax, implement
trait for Matrix. There is no whitespace allowed in the output.
- To output the matrix in Matrix syntax, implement
Implement for Matrix with all generic types with the bound of
) andCopy
. -
Panic if the dimensions of the two input matrices are not compatible for the operation.
You need to implement all functionalities for these two operators, e.g. doing addition between matrix & matrix, matrix & scalar.
You need to implement for both reference and non-reference operands.
Hint: possible implementations:
impl<'a, T: Add<Output = T> + Copy> Add for &'a Matrix<T> impl<'a, T: Add<Output = T> + Copy> Add<Matrix<T>> for &'a Matrix<T> impl<'a, T: Add<Output = T> + Copy> Add<&'a Matrix<T>> for Matrix<T> impl<T: Add<Output = T> + Copy> Add for Matrix<T>
Hint: Try not to copy-pase your code everywhere. It is rather a horrible practice to write too many duplicated codes in programming. Implement one and make others call that one.
- Specifications are based on
. - Mulplication between two matrices are different from that of addition or subtraction, so read Wikipedia carefully before writing code. You may need the trait bound of both
- Specifications are based on
- Dividing between integers may cause rounding and thus lead to imprecise results. Therefore, convert all the input values to
and your output should beMatrix<f64>
. - You still need to implement for matrix & scalar and different reference types.
- Dividing between integers may cause rounding and thus lead to imprecise results. Therefore, convert all the input values to
- You can simply implement this by utilizing rust compiler and derive
trait on defining Matrix struct. No need to bother write one by yourself unless your implementation is special.
- You can simply implement this by utilizing rust compiler and derive
This function checks if a matrix is an identity matrix.
Since you cannot know the identity value of a generic type, you only need to implement this for all the generic types:
i8 i16 i32 i64 isize u8 u16 u32 u64 usize f32 f64
.- Hint: Again, try not to copy-paste. Macro in rust is a useful tool in doing batch implementation.
- This function checks if a matrix is a square matrix. Implement this function for all generic type parameters.
- This function returns the transposition of a matrix. Implement this function for all generic type parameters.
- Implement
traits. The index argument is of type(usize, usize)
. Return a reference to the corresponding cell in the matrix. Implement this for all generic types.
- Implement
let _x = " [1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9]".parse::<Matrix<i32>>(); // can have white space
assert_eq!(Ok(Matrix::new(3, 3, &[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])), _x);
// should be the same with another way
let mut x = _x.unwrap();
assert_eq!(format!("{}", x), "[1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9]");
// the output does not contain any white space
let mut t;
t = "1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9]".parse::<Matrix<i32>>();
assert_eq!(Err(ParseMatrixError::WrongBracketFormat), t);
t = "[1,2,x; 4,5,6; 7,8,9]".parse::<Matrix<i32>>();
assert_eq!(Err(ParseMatrixError::ParseNumberError), t);
t = "[1,2,; 4,5,6; 7,8,9]".parse::<Matrix<i32>>();
assert_eq!(Err(ParseMatrixError::ParseNumberError), t);
t = "[1,2; 4,5,6; 7,8,9]".parse::<Matrix<i32>>();
assert_eq!(Err(ParseMatrixError::ColumnsNotAligned), t);
let y = "[0,1,2; 3,4,5; 6,7,8]".parse::<Matrix<i32>>().unwrap();
let mut z;
z = &x + &y;
assert_eq!(format!("{}", z), "[1,3,5;7,9,11;13,15,17]");
z = &x - &y;
assert_eq!(format!("{}", z), "[1,1,1;1,1,1;1,1,1]");
z = &x * 2;
assert_eq!(format!("{}", z), "[2,4,6;8,10,12;14,16,18]");
z = &x * &y;
assert_eq!(format!("{}", z), "[24,30,36;51,66,81;78,102,126]");
assert_eq!(format!("{}", &z / 2), "[12,15,18;25.5,33,40.5;39,51,63]");
assert_eq!(x == y, false);
assert!(x == "[1,2,3; 4,5,6;7,8,9]".parse::<Matrix<i32>>().unwrap());
assert_eq!(x.is_identity(), false);
assert!("[1,0,0,0; 0,1,0,0; 0,0,1,0; 0,0,0,1]".parse::<Matrix<f64>>().unwrap().is_identity());
assert!("[1,2,3,4; 0,1,4,0; 0,0,1,0; 0,0,0,1]".parse::<Matrix<i32>>().unwrap().is_square());
assert_eq!(x[(2,1)], 8);
x[(1,2)] = 0;
assert_eq!(format!("{}", x), "[1,2,3;4,5,0;7,8,9]");
let m = Matrix::new(2, 3, &[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]);
assert_eq!(m.transposition(), Matrix::new(3, 2, &[-2, 1, -1, 2, 0, 3]));