This project is used to find similar wallets based on the Annoy Index.
- Install the requirements
poetry install
- Create sample data via Annoy Index
- similar_wallets.ann – Annoy Index file length of item vector that will be indexed = 5 and metric="euclidean". For example:
- wallet_index – Wallet index
- balance – Wallet balance
- overall_transaction_count – Wallet transaction count
- last_month_transaction_count – Wallet transaction count in last month
- nft_count – Wallet nft count
- rank – Wallet rank
- map.csv – Map file with wallet_index and wallet_name
- Run the script
poetry run python app/
- Test the script
# {address} is the wallet address. For example – 0xbab41d6486f8fd63d2ca790818a11756b0579894
# {n} is the number of similar wallets. For example – 3
curl -X GET{address}?n={n}