A TypeScript Create React App template with . The official template was used for reference.
To use this template, add --template structured-ts when creating a new app.
npx create-react-app my-app --template @super-effective/structured-ts
# or
yarn create react-app my-app --template @super-effective/structured-ts
- Starter app structure and configuration:
.scaffs/ # Scaffolding templates public/ # Starter public files (index.html, favicon, etc. - from the official template) src/ apps/ # For the root application components/ # Directory for components (includes example component) styles/ # Global / Shared styles index.tsx # The entry point .eslintrc.json # ESLint rules setup for Prettier and TypeScript .prettierrc.js # Prettier config tsconfig.eslint.json # TypeScript config for ESLint tsconfig.json # TypeScript config
- Prettier and corresponding ESLint configuration
- Scaffolding for TypeScript components (for the Scaffs Visual Studio Code Extension)