A plugin that adds cats and joy (non-mutually exclusive) into your already wonderful neovim experience.
You can install catti.nvim with your preferred package/plugin manager.
{ "sunroofgod/catti.nvim", name = "catti", priority = 1000 }
use { "sunroofgod/catti.nvim", as = "catti" }
Plug 'sunroofgod/catti.nvim', { 'as': 'catti' }
This can be triggered using the command:
or create a mapping
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>cat", "<cmd>ToggleCattiMode<CR>")
CattiMode can be toggled on simply by running the same command again.
For more, see :help catti.nvim
For now, there is no need for any configuration. The setup
functionality is currently in the works.