20170459 Seono Lee & 20170616 Heejin Jeong
(suno10, naahah)@kaist.ac.kr
Nowadays, the online video market is starting to be more and more competitive under the broadening influence of YouTube, which is the very famous social media platform all over the world. So the creators should develop their ability to quickly analyze new trends and suggest effective strategies to survive in the market, as this change goes through.
This document contains the R-based analysis of YouTube, especially on its ranking factors and statistics which you can use when you manage your own video channel. Our main focus will be the questions 1) which variables are highly influential on the matter in widen gapnumber of views, and 2) what is the better way to get more view counts.
The dataset was extracted from Kaggle, 'Trending YouTube Video Statistics' (https://www.kaggle.com/datasnaek/youtube-new).