Container orchestration with Kubernetes Welcome to the labs of the "Container orchestration with Kubernetes" learning course. Labs 00-Prerequisites 01-Minikube 02-Multi node cluster 03-YAML 04-Pod 05-ReplicationController 06-ReplicaSet 07-Deployment 08-Service 09-Ingress 10-Volume 11-PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim 12-StorageClass 13-ConfigMap 14-Secret 15-StatefulSet 16-Job 17-DaemonSet 18-Helm 19-Namespaces 20-Requests and Limits 21-RBAC 22-Operator framework 23-Node drain and PodDisruptionBudget 24-Monitoring 25-Horizontal pod autoscaler 26-Backup 27-Network policies Google Kubernetes Engine Demo Appendices A-Sync copy of forked repo