- Overview of Cisco ACI
- Cisco ACI fabric APIs
- Creating an addresspool for a zone of zones
- Creating an addresspool for a zone of endpoints (with tagged VLAN)
- Creating an addresspool for a zone of endpoints (with untagged VLAN)
- Creating a default zone
- Creating a zone of zones
- Updating the connected ports
- Creating a redundant endpoint
- Creating a zone of endpoints
- Updating a zone of endpoints
- Deleting an ACI fabric entity
- Mapping of Redfish logical entities to Cisco ACI entities
Cisco ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure) is an open ecosystem model that uses a holistic, systems-based approach to integrate hardware and software, and the physical and virtual elements, to enable unique business value for modern data centers.
Resource Aggregator for ODIM supports Cisco ACI plugin that can abstract, translate, and expose southbound resource information to the resource aggregator through RESTful APIs.
Important: In case of any unforeseen issues you experience while deploying or using ACI plugin, log on to the following website and file your defect by clicking Create.
Prerequisite: You must have valid LFN Jira credentials to create defects.
- Website: https://jira.lfnetworking.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa
- Discussion Forums: https://odim.slack.com/archives/C01DG9MH479
- Documentation:
- Cisco ACI Plugin Deployment Document - https://github.com/ODIM-Project/PluginCiscoACI/blob/main/README.md
- Resource Aggregator for ODIM Deployment Document- https://github.com/ODIM-Project/ODIM#readme
- Additional documents - https://github.com/ODIM-Project/ODIM/blob/main/docs
Kubernetes cluster is set up and the resource aggregator is successfully deployed.
Create a directory called
on the deployment node.mkdir -p ~/plugins
In the
directory, create a directory calledaciplugin
.mkdir ~/plugins/aciplugin
Run the following commands on the deployment node:
git clone https://github.com/ODIM-Project/PluginCiscoACI.git
cd PluginCiscoACI/
export ODIMRA_USER_ID=2021
export ODIMRA_GROUP_ID=2021
On the deployment node, copy the Cisco ACI plugin configuration file and the hook script to
.cp ~/PluginCiscoACI/install/Kubernetes/helmcharts/aciplugin-config.yaml ~/plugins/aciplugin
cp ~/PluginCiscoACI/install/Kubernetes/helmcharts/aciplugin.sh ~/plugins/aciplugin
Open the Cisco ACI plugin configuration YAML file.
vi ~/plugins/aciplugin/aciplugin-config.yaml
Sample aciplugin-config.yaml file:
aciplugin: eventListenerNodePort: 30086 aciPluginRootServiceUUID: a127eedc-c29b-416c-8c82-413153a3c351 username: admin password: sTfTyTZFvNj5zU5Tt0TfyDYU-ye3_ZqTMnMIj- LAeXaa8vCnBqq8Ga7zV6ZdfqQCdSAzmaO5AJxccD99UHLVlQ== lbHost: aciplugin lbPort: 30086 logPath: /var/log/aciplugin_logs apicHost: apicUserName: admin apicPassword: Apic123 odimURL: https://api:45000 odimUserName: admin odimPassword: 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
Update the following parameters in the plugin configuration file:
eventListenerNodePort: The port used for listening to the ACI plugin events. Default port is 30086.
aciPluginRootServiceUUID: The RootServiceUUID to be used by the ACI plugin service. To generate an UUID, run the following command:
Copy the output and paste it as the value for rootServiceUUID.
lbHost: Default value is
for one node and three node cluster configuration. -
lbPort: Default port is 30086 for one node and three node cluster configuration.
Note: The lbport is used as proxy port for eventlistenernodeport, which is used for subscribing to events.
apicHost: The IP address of the machine where Cisco APIC UI is launched.
apicUserName: The Cisco APIC username.
apicPassword: The Cisco APIC password.
odimURL: The URL of the ODIMRA API service. URL is https://api:45000.
odimUserName: The username of the default administrator account of Resource Aggregator for ODIM.
odimPassword: The encrypted password of the default administrator account of Resource Aggregator for ODIM. To generate the encrypted password, run the following command:
echo -n '< ODIMRA password>' |openssl pkeyutl -encrypt -inkey <odimCertsPath>/odimra_rsa.private -pkeyopt rsa_padding_mode:oaep -pkeyopt rsa_oaep_md:sha512|openssl base64 -A
Other parameters can have default values. Optionally, you can update them with values based on your requirements. For more information on each parameter, see Plugin configuration parameters.
Generate the Helm package for the Cisco ACI plugin on the deployment node:
Navigate to
.cd ~/PluginCiscoACI/install/Kubernetes/helmcharts
Run the following command to create
Helm package at~/plugins/aciplugin
:helm package aciplugin -d ~/plugins/aciplugin
The Helm package for the Cisco ACI plugin is created in the tgz format.
Save the Cisco ACI plugin Docker image on the deployment node at
.docker save aciplugin:3.1 -o ~/plugins/aciplugin/aciplugin.tar
Navigate to the
directory.cd ~/PluginCiscoACI
Copy the proxy configuration file
.cp install/templates/aciplugin_proxy_server.conf.j2 ~/plugins/aciplugin
Important: Do NOT change the value of any parameter in this file.
Navigate to the
directory on the deployment node.cd ~/ODIM/odim-controller/scripts
Open the
file.vi kube_deploy_nodes.yaml
Specify values for the following parameters in the
file:Parameter Value connectionMethodConf The connection method associated with Cisco ACI plugin: ConnectionMethodVariant: Fabric:BasicAuth:ACI_v1.0.0
odimraKafkaClientCertFQDNSan The FQDN to be included in the Kafka client certificate of Resource Aggregator for ODIM for deploying the ACI plugin: aciplugin
Add these values to the existing comma-separated list.odimraServerCertFQDNSan The FQDN to be included in the server certificate of Resource Aggregator for ODIM for deploying the ACI plugin:
Add these values to the existing comma-separated list.odimPluginPath: /home/bruce/plugins odimra: groupID: 2021 userID: 2021 namespace: odim fqdn: rootServiceUUID: haDeploymentEnabled: True connectionMethodConf: - ConnectionMethodType: Redfish ConnectionMethodVariant: Fabric:BasicAuth:ACI_v1.0.0 odimraKafkaClientCertFQDNSan: aciplugin,aciplugin-events odimraServerCertFQDNSan: aciplugin,aciplugin-events
, andodimra_server.crt
stored in odimCertsPath to a different folder.NOTE: odimCertsPath is the absolute path of the directory where certificates required by the services of Resource Aggregator for ODIM are present. This parameter is configured in the `kube_deploy_nodes.yaml` file.
Update odimra-secrets:
python3 odim-controller.py --config /home/${USER}/ODIM/odim-controller/scripts/kube_deploy_nodes.yaml --upgrade odimra-secret
Run the following command:
python3 odim-controller.py --config /home/${USER}/ODIM/odim-controller/scripts/kube_deploy_nodes.yaml --upgrade odimra-config
, run the following command to install the Cisco ACI plugin:python3 odim-controller.py --config /home/${USER}/ODIM/odim-controller/scripts/kube_deploy_nodes.yaml --add plugin --plugin aciplugin
Run the following command on the cluster nodes to verify the Cisco ACI plugin pod is up and running:
kubectl get pods -n odim
Example output showing the Cisco ACI plugin pod details:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE aciplugin-5fc4b6788-2xx97 1/1 Running 0 4d22h -
Add the Cisco ACI plugin into the Resource Aggregator for ODIM framework.
After a plugin is successfully deployed, you must add it into the Resource Aggregator for ODIM framework to access the plugin service.
The plugin you want to add is successfully deployed.
To add a plugin, perform HTTP
on the following URI:https://{odim_host}:{port}/redfish/v1/AggregationService/AggregationSources
is the virtual IP address of the Kubernetes cluster. -
is the API server port configured in Nginx. The default port is30080
. If you have changed the default port, use that as the port.
Provide a JSON request payload specifying:
- The plugin address (the plugin name or hostname and the plugin port)
- The username and password of the plugin user account
- A link to the connection method having the details of the plugin
Sample request payload for adding Cisco ACI Plugin:
{ "HostName":"aciplugin:45020", "UserName":"admin", "Password":"Plug!n12$4", "Links":{ "ConnectionMethod": { "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/AggregationService/ConnectionMethods/{ConnectionMethodId}" } } }
Request payload parameters
Parameter Type Description HostName String (required) It is the plugin service name and the port specified in the Kubernetes environment. For default plugin ports, see Resource Aggregator for ODIM default ports.
NOTE: If you are using a different port for a plugin, ensure that the port is greater than45000
.UserName String (required) The plugin username. See default administrator account usernames of all the plugins in "Default plugin credentials". Password String (required) The plugin password. See default administrator account passwords of all the plugins in "Default plugin credentials". ConnectionMethod Array (required) Links to the connection methods that are used to communicate with this endpoint: /redfish/v1/AggregationService/AggregationSources
NOTE: Ensure that the connection method information for the plugin you want to add is updated in the odim-controller configuration file.
To know which connection method to use, do the following:
1. Perform HTTPGET
You will receive a list of links to available connection methods.
2. Perform HTTPGET
on each link. Check the value of theConnectionMethodVariant
property in the JSON response. It displays the details of a plugin. Choose a connection method having the details of the plugin of your choice. For available connection method variants, see "Connection method variants" table.Plugin Default username Default password Connection method variant Cisco ACI plugin admin Plug!n12$4 Fabric:XAuthToken:ACI_v1.0.0 Use the following curl command to add the plugin:
curl -i POST \ -H 'Authorization:Basic {base64_encoded_string_of_<odim_username:odim_password>}' \ -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ -d \ '{"HostName":"{plugin_host}:{port}", "UserName":"{plugin_userName}", "Password":"{plugin_password}", "Links":{ "ConnectionMethod": { "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/AggregationService/ConnectionMethods/{ConnectionMethodId}" } } }' \ 'https://{odim_host}:30080/redfish/v1/AggregationService/AggregationSources' -k
NOTE: To generate a base64 encoded string of `{odim_username:odim_password}`, run the following command:
echo -n '{odim_username}:{odim_password}' | base64 -w0
Default username is
and default password isOd!m12$4
. Replace{base64_encoded_string_of_[odim_username:odim_password]}
with the generated base64 encoded string in the curl command. You will receive:- An HTTP
202 Accepted
status code. - A link of the executed task. Performing a
operation on this link displays the task monitor associated with this operation in the response header.
To know the status of this task, perform HTTP
on thetaskmon
URI until the task is complete. If the plugin is added successfully, you will receive an HTTP200 OK
status code.After the plugin is successfully added, it will also be available as a manager resource at:
For more information, see Adding a plugin in the Resource Aggregator for Open Distributed Infrastructure Management™ API Reference and User Guide.
To verify that the added plugin is active and running, do the following:
To get the list of all available managers, perform HTTP
You will receive JSON response having a collection of links to the manager resources. You will see the following links in the collection:
A link to the resource aggregator manager.
Links to all the added plugin managers.
To identify the plugin Id of the added plugin, perform HTTP
on each manager link in the response. The JSON response body for a plugin manager hasName
as the plugin name. Example: The JSON response body for the Cisco ACI plugin manager hasName
.Sample response
{ "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#Manager.Manager", "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Managers/fb40f2dc-0c6d-4464-bc98-fea775adbbb9", "@odata.type": "#Manager.v1_10_0.Manager", "FirmwareVersion": "v1.0.0", "Id": "fb40f2dc-0c6d-4464-bc98-fea775adbbb9", "Links": { "ManagerForSwitches": [ { "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Fabrics/fb40f2dc-0c6d-4464-bc98-fea775adbbb9.1/Switches/af10c386-68d5-45aa-b3c3-431e3e4c3647.101" }, { "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Fabrics/fb40f2dc-0c6d-4464-bc98-fea775adbbb9.1/Switches/668f20cf-b6e7-4ded-a180-bf8e33dc18fc.102" }, { "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Fabrics/fb40f2dc-0c6d-4464-bc98-fea775adbbb9.1/Switches/7d5a25b3-3ac4-49f4-a929-243b5b97bba0.201" } ], "[email protected]": 3 }, "ManagerType": "Service", "Name": "ACI", "Status": { "Health": "OK", "State": "Enabled" }, "UUID": "fb40f2dc-0c6d-4464-bc98-fea775adbbb9" }
Check in the JSON response of the plugin manager, if:
For more information, refer to "Managers" in Resource Aggregator for Open Distributed Infrastructure Management™ API Reference and User Guide.
The following table lists all the configuration parameters required to deploy a plugin service:
Parameter | Description |
odimra | List of configurations required for deploying the services of Resource Aggregator for ODIM and third-party services. NOTE: Ensure the values of the parameters listed under odimra are the same as the ones specified in the kube_deploy_nodes.yaml file. |
namespace | Namespace to be used for creating the service pods of Resource Aggregator for ODIM. Default value is "odim". You can optionally change it to a different value. |
groupID | Group ID to be used for creating the odimra group. Default value is 2021. You can optionally change it to a different value. NOTE: Ensure that the group id is not already in use on any of the nodes. |
haDeploymentEnabled | When set to true, it deploys third-party services as a three-instance cluster. By default, it is set to true. Before setting it to false, ensure there are at least three nodes in the Kubernetes cluster. |
username | Username of the plugin |
password | The encrypted password of the plugin |
logPath | The path where the plugin logs are stored. Default path is /var/log/<plugin_name>_logs Example: /var/log/aciplugin_logs |
odimPassword | The encrypted password of the default administrator account of Resource Aggregator for ODIM. To generate the encrypted password, run the following command: `echo -n '' |
The following table lists all the default ports used by the resource aggregator, plugins, and third-party services. The following ports (except container ports) must be free:
Port name | Ports |
Container ports (access restricted only to the Kubernetes cluster network) | 45000 — API service port 45101- 45201 — Resource Aggregator for ODIM service ports 9082, 9092 — Kafka ports 6379 — Redis port 26379 — Redis Sentinel port 2181 — Zookeeper port 2379, 2380 — etcd ports |
API node port (for external access) | 30080 |
Kafka node port (for external access) | 30092 for a one-node cluster configuration 30092, 30093, and 30094 for a three-node cluster configuration |
ACI port EventListenerNodePort lbport |
45020 — Port to be used while adding Cisco ACI plugin 30083 — Port used for event subscriptions in one-node cluster configuration lbport — For three-node cluster configuration, specify lbport as per your requirement. This port must be assigned with a free port (preferably above 45000) available on all cluster nodes. This port is used as nginx proxy port for the plugin For one-node cluster configuration, it is the same as EventListenerNodePort |
Resource Aggregator for ODIM exposes Redfish APIs to view and manage simple fabrics. A fabric is a network topology consisting of entities such as interconnecting switches, zones, endpoints, and address pools. The Redfish Fabrics
APIs allow you to create and remove these entities in a fabric.
When creating fabric entities, ensure to create them in the following order:
- Address pools
- Default zones
- Zone of zones
- Endpoints
- Zone of endpoints (with tagged and untagged VLAN)
IMPORTANT:Before using the `Fabrics` APIs, ensure that the fabric manager is installed, its plugin is deployed, and added into the Resource Aggregator for ODIM framework.
API URI | Operation Applicable | Required privileges |
/redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricId}/AddressPools | GET, POST | Login , ConfigureComponents |
/redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricId}/AddressPools/{addresspoolid} | GET, DELETE | Login , ConfigureComponents |
/redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricId}/Zones | GET, POST | Login , ConfigureComponents |
/redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricId}/Zones/{zoneId} | GET, PATCH, DELETE | Login , ConfigureComponents |
/redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricId}/Endpoints | GET, POST | Login , ConfigureComponents |
/redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricId}/Endpoints/{endpointId} | GET, DELETE | Login , ConfigureComponents |
/redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricId}/Switches/{switchId}/Ports/{portid} |
GET | Login |
Method | POST |
URI | /redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricID}/AddressPools |
Description | This operation creates an address pool for a zone of zones in a specific fabric. |
Returns | - Link to the created address pool in the Location header- JSON schema representing the created address pool |
Response code | On success, 201 Created |
Authentication | Yes |
curl command
curl -i POST \
-H "X-Auth-Token:{X-Auth-Token}" \
-d \
"Name": "HPE-AddressPool-ZoneofZone",
"Description": "VLANRange for creating domain",
"Ethernet": {
"IPv4": {
"VLANIdentifierAddressRange": {
"Lower": 100,
"Upper": 200
Sample request body
"Name": "HPE-AddressPool-ZoneofZone",
"Description": "VLANRange for creating domain",
"Ethernet": {
"IPv4": {
"VLANIdentifierAddressRange": {
"Lower": 100,
"Upper": 200
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Name | String (optional) | Name for the address pool |
Description | String (optional) | Description for the address pool |
Ethernet{ | ||
IPv4{ | (required) |
VlanIdentifierAddressRange{ | (required) | A single VLAN (virtual LAN) used for creating the IP interface for the user Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) |
Lower | Integer (required) |
VLAN lower address |
Upper} }} |
Integer (required) |
VLAN upper address |
Sample response header
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Allow:"GET", "PUT", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE"
Date:Wed, 31 Mar 2021 12:55:55 GMT-20h 45m
Sample response body
"Description":"VLANRange for creating domain",
Method | POST |
URI | /redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricID}/AddressPools |
Description | This operation creates an address pool (with tagged VLAN) that can be used by a zone of endpoints. |
Returns | - Link to the created address pool in the Location header- JSON schema representing the created address pool |
Response code | On success, 201 Created |
Authentication | Yes |
curl command
curl -i POST \
-H "X-Auth-Token:{X-Auth-Token}" \
-d \
Sample request body
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Name | String (optional) | Name for the address pool |
Ethernet{ | ||
IPv4{ | (required) |
GatewayIPAddressList{ | Array (required) |
IP pool to assign IPv4 address to the IP interface for VLAN per switch |
VlanIdentifierAddressRange{ | (required) | A single VLAN (virtual LAN) used for creating the IP interface for the user Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) |
Lower | Integer (required) |
VLAN lower address |
Upper} }} |
VLAN upper address. Lower and Upper must have the same values for the addresspool created for ZoneOfEndpoints. |
Sample response header
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Allow:"GET", "PUT", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE"
Date:Wed, 31 Mar 2021 12:55:55 GMT-20h 45m
Sample response body
Method | POST |
URI | /redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricID}/AddressPools |
Description | This operation creates an address pool (with untagged VLAN) that can be used by a zone of endpoints. |
Returns | - Link to the created address pool in the Location header- JSON schema representing the created address pool |
Response code | On success, 201 Created |
Authentication | Yes |
curl command
curl -i POST \
-H "X-Auth-Token:{X-Auth-Token}" \
-d \
Sample request body
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Name | String (optional) | Name for the address pool |
Ethernet{ | ||
IPv4{ | (required) |
GatewayIPAddressList{ | Array (required) |
IP pool to assign IPv4 address to the IP interface for VLAN per switch |
NativeVLAN | (required) | A single VLAN (virtual LAN) used for creating the IP interface for the user Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) |
Sample response header
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Allow:"GET", "PUT", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE"
Date:Wed, 31 Mar 2021 12:55:55 GMT-20h 45m
Sample response body
Method | POST |
URI | /redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricID}/Zones |
Description | This operation creates a default zone in a specific fabric. |
Returns | JSON schema representing the created zone |
Response code | On success, 201 Created |
Authentication | Yes |
curl command
curl -i POST \
-H "X-Auth-Token:{X-Auth-Token}" \
-d \
"Description":"Default Zone",
Sample request body
"Description":"Default Zone",
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Name | String (optional) | Name for the zone. NOTE: Ensure that there are no spaces. |
Description | String (optional) | The description for the zone. NOTE: Ensure that there are no spaces. |
ZoneType | String (required) |
The type of the zone to be created. Options include: • ZoneOfZones • ZoneOfEndpoints • Default The type of the zone for a default zone is Default. |
Sample response header
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Allow: "GET", "PUT", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE"
Location: /redfish/v1/Fabrics/a127eedc-c29b-416c-8c82-413153a3c351:1/Zones/adce4bd8-0f39-421d-9b78-5fb6981ca68b
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2021 12:55:55 GMT-20h 45m
Sample response body
"Description":"Default Zone",
Method | POST |
URI | /redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricID}/Zones |
Description | This operation creates an empty container zone for all the other zones in a specific fabric. You can assign address pools, endpoints, other zones, or switches to this zone. |
Returns | JSON schema representing the created zone |
Response code | On success, 201 Created |
Authentication | Yes |
curl command
curl -i POST \
-H "X-Auth-Token:{X-Auth-Token}" \
-d \
"Description":"Zone of endpoints",
Sample request body
"Description":"Zone of endpoints",
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Name | String (optional) | Name for the zone. NOTE: Ensure that there are no spaces. |
Description | String (optional) | Description for the zone. NOTE: Ensure that there are no spaces. |
ZoneType | String (required) |
The type of the zone to be created. Options include: • ZoneOfZones • ZoneOfEndpoints • Default The type of the zone for a default zone is ZoneOfZones. |
Links{ | (required) | |
ContainedByZones | Array (required) |
Represents an array of default zones for the zone being created |
AddressPools | Array (required) |
AddressPool links supported for the Zone of Zones (AddressPool links created for ZoneOfZones) |
Sample response header
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Allow:"GET", "PUT", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE"
Date:Wed, 31 Mar 2021 12:55:55 GMT-20h 45m
Sample response body
"Description":"Zone of endpoints",
"[email protected]":1
Method | PATCH |
URI | /redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricid}/Switches/{switchid}/Ports/{portid} |
Description | This operation updates a connected port. |
Returns | JSON schema representing the updated connected port |
Response code | On success, 200 OK |
Authentication | Yes |
curl command
curl -i PATCH \
-H "X-Auth-Token:{X-Auth-Token}" \
-d \
Sample request body
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Links{ | (required) | |
ContainedPorts | Array (required) |
Represents an array of links to connected ports |
Sample response header
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Allow:"GET", "PUT", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE"
Date:Fri, 02 Apr 2021 07:39:26 GMT-2d 22h
Sample response body
Method | POST |
URI | /redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricID}/Endpoints |
Description | This operation creates a redundant endpoint in a specific fabric. |
Returns | • Link to the created endpoint in the Location header• JSON schema representing the created endpoint |
Response code | On success, 201 Created |
Authentication | Yes |
curl command
curl -i POST \
-H "X-Auth-Token:{X-Auth-Token}" \
-d \
"Name": "Redundant-Endpoint-1",
"Description": "Redundant Endpoint to provide redundancy between two
Leaf switch ports",
"Redundancy": [
"Mode": "Sharing",
"RedundancySet": [
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Fabrics/16b17167-de3e-483d-9f6daad629b8829b.
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Fabrics/16b17167-de3e-483d-9f6daad629b8829b.
Sample request body
"Name": "Redundant-Endpoint-1",
"Description": "Redundant Endpoint to provide redundancy between two
Leaf switch ports",
"Redundancy": [
"Mode": "Sharing",
"RedundancySet": [
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Fabrics/16b17167-de3e-483d-9f6daad629b8829b.
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Fabrics/16b17167-de3e-483d-9f6daad629b8829b.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Name | String (optional) |
Name for the endpoint |
Description | String (optional) |
Description for the endpoint |
Redundancy[ | Array | |
Mode | String | Redundancy mode |
RedundancySet] | Array | Set of redundancy ports connected to the switches. These links must be switch leaf ports URIs. |
Sample response header
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Allow:"GET", "PUT", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE"
Date:Wed, 31 Mar 2021 12:55:55 GMT-20h 45m
Sample response body
"Description":"Redundant Endpoint to provide redundancy between two Leaf
switch ports",
Method | POST |
URI | /redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricID}/zones |
Description | This operation creates a zone of endpoints in a specific fabric. NOTE: Ensure that the endpoints are created first before assigning them to the zone of endpoints. |
Returns | JSON schema representing the created zone |
Response code | On success, 201 Created |
Authentication | Yes |
NOTE: MultiVLAN is supported for the creation of multiple zone of endpoints.
curl command
curl -i POST \
-H "X-Auth-Token:{X-Auth-Token}" \
-d \
"Description":"Zone of endpoints",
Sample request body
"Description":"Zone of endpoints",
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Name | String (optional) |
Name for the zone. NOTE: Ensure that there are no spaces. |
Description | String (optional) |
Description for the zone. NOTE: Ensure that there are no spaces. |
ZoneType | String (required) |
The type of the zone to be created. Options include: • ZoneOfZones • ZoneOfEndpoints • Default The type of the zone for a zone of endpoints is ZoneOfEndpoints. |
Links{ | Object (required) |
Contains references to other resources that are related to the zone |
ContainedByZones [{ | Array (required) |
Represents an array of ZoneOfZones for the zone being created |
@odata.id }] | String | Link to a Zone of zones |
AddressPools [{ | Array (required) |
Represents an array of address pools linked with a ZoneOfZones |
@odata.id }] | String | Link to an address pool |
Endpoints [{ | Array (required) |
Represents an array of endpoints to be included in the zone |
@odata.id }] | String | Link to an endpoint |
Sample response header
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Allow: "GET", "PUT", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE"
Location: /redfish/v1/Fabrics/a127eedc-c29b-416c-8c82-413153a3c351:1/Zones/8e18e640-a91b-4d9b-9810-b63af3d9ce9b
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2021 12:55:55 GMT-20h 45m
Sample response body
"Description":"Zone of endpoints",
"[email protected]":1,
Method | PATCH |
URI | /redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricid}/Zones/{zoneid} |
Description | This operation updates a zone of endpoints. |
Returns | JSON schema representing the updated zone of endpoints |
Response code | On success, 200 OK |
Authentication | Yes |
curl command
curl -i PATCH \
-H "X-Auth-Token:{X-Auth-Token}" \
-d \
Sample request body
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Links{ | (required) | |
Endpoints | Array (required) |
Represents an array of links to endpoints. NOTE: Adding new endpoint links replaces the existing ones in the zone of endpoints being updated.To retain the existing links, add them in this array along with the new ones. |
Sample response header
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Allow:"GET", "PUT", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE"
Date:Fri, 02 Apr 2021 07:39:26 GMT-2d 22h
Sample response body
"Description":"Zone of endpoints",
"[email protected]":1,
Method | DELETE |
URI | /redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricID}/AddressPools/{addresspoolid} /redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricID}/Zones/{zoneid} /redfish/v1/Fabrics/{fabricID}/Endpoints/{endpointid} |
Description | This operation deletes a fabric entity such as an addresspool, zone, or an endpoint in a specific fabric. When deleting fabric entities, ensure to delete them in the following order: 1. Zone of endpoints 2. Endpoints 3. Zone of zones 4. Default zones 5. Address pools |
Response code | On success, 204 No Content |
Authentication | Yes |
curl command
curl -i -X DELETE \
-H "X-Auth-Token:{X-Auth-Token}" \
curl -i -X DELETE \
-H "X-Auth-Token:{X-Auth-Token}" \
curl -i -X DELETE \
-H "X-Auth-Token:{X-Auth-Token}" \
Redfish Logical Entity | Equivalent Cisco ACI entity |
Default zone | Tenant |
ZoneOfZone | Application profile and VRF |
VLANIdentifierAddressRange of ZoneOfZoneAddressPool | VLAN range of a domain |
Redundant ports of an endpoint | VPC Policy Group |
ZoneOfEndpoints | BridgeDomain and Application EPGs (Endpoint Group) |
GatewayIPAddress of ZoneOfEndpoints' addresspool | Subnet in BridgeDomain |
VLANIdentifierAddressRange of ZoneOfEndpoints' addresspool | VLAN in StaticPort of Application EPGs |
Health and status of Redfish fabrics, switches, and ports | Health and status of ACI fabrics, switches, and ports. See the following table |
Mapping of Redfish fabric health to ACI fabric health range
Redfish representation | Equivalent ACI range |
OK | 91 to 100 |
Warning | 31 to 90 |
Critical | Lesser than 31 |