Simplify your S3 Backups!
This is yet another lite layer on top of duplicity. The project sets some reasonable defaults and lets you store your configurations in yaml files. No more complicated bash called from crontab! Why choose this one particular duplicity abstraction? Glad you asked, there are Yaml configs and GPG encryption backup by default. Is this unique? Not particularly, but I had fun writing it.
- duplicity
This is tested on RockyLinux 8.5
You'll need Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux for a bunch of different dependencies.
dnf upgrade --refresh -y
dnf install epel-release
sudo dnf install python3.9 duplicity
sudo pip3 install boto
Still as root
cd ~
git clone
cd s3-backup
pip3.9 install .
cd ../
rm -rf s3-backup
Before you are able to to do anything you'll need to initialize s3-backup. All commands need to be run as root.
The path option within the init command specifies where the profile data and logs will be saved.
s3-backup init ~
Once initialized, profiles can be created, edited and removed through the profile
subcommand. The name option within the profile subcommand is used to specify the profile
s3-backup profile [create, edit, remove] <profile-name>
Profiles are able to be used to execute backup and restore commands. (These parse to standard duplicity commands.) The name argument within the profile subcommand is used to specify the profile to action on.
s3-backup execute [backup, restore] <profile-name>
The collection subcommand is used to perform several collection management actions. Again, the name argument is used to specify the profile of the collection being managed.
s3-backup collection [status, list-files, clean, prune] <profile-name>