npm install
npm install
in your sudolabs folder and package.json
should install all necessary libraries.
npm install
does not work, follow the following steps:
1. Install gulp with the following command:
npm install --global gulp-cli
2. Install gulp-sass with the following command:
npm install gulp-sass
3. Install gulp-livereload with the following command:
npm install gulp-livereload
4. Install the Live Reload Chrome Extension
5. Check if it installed correctly by entering
gulp -v
into the command line and having the version number return.
- Use tabs instead of spaces
- File names are in snake case (Ex. file_name)
- Comment code with the purpose of each section/mixin/function and a description of each argument and/or returned variables
- Class and ID are named with hyphens (Ex. class-name)
- h1 tags should only be used for section headers
- Variables and mixin arguments are named with hyphens (Ex. variable-name)
- Mixins are named in camel case (Ex. mixinName)
- Fonts are named in camel case (Ex. fontName)
- Animation names are in camel case (Ex. animationName)
- Variables are in snake case (Ex. variable_name)
- Functions are in camel case (Ex. functionName)