absee is a Ruby gem that reads ABIF files (DNA sequencing chromatograms)
Documentation is located in the directories. More information can also be found at Iron Chef SynBio
>> require ‘absee’
=> true
>> my_variable = ABSee.new()
=> #<ABSee:0x000001008599d0>
>> my_variable.read("/Users/Jenny/Desktop/my_sequence.ab1")
=> nil
>> my_variable.get_calledSequence()
- read(file_location)
- returns nil
- get_traceA()
- returns an array with the trace data for adenine
- get_traceG()
- returns an array with the trace data for guanine
- get_traceC()
- returns an array with the trace data for cytosine
- get_traceT()
- returns an array with the trace data for thymine
- get_calledSequence()
- returns an array with the Basecalled sequence
- get_qualityScores()
- returns an array with the Basecalled quality scores
- get_peakIndexes()
- returns an array with indexes of the called sequence in the trace
Code is licensed under MIT license 2012. See the LICENSE file for details.
Created by Jenny Cheng Iron Chef SynBio