- 🚦 Current Status
- 🛑 Foreword
- ✨ Features
- 🤔 Motivation
- 🖐 Requirements
- ⏳ Installation
- 🔧 Configuration
- 🚚 Usage and API
- Contributing
- License
This package is currently under development and should be consider ALPHA in terms of state. We are currently accepting contributions and/or dedicated contributors to help develop and maintain this package.
For more information on contributing please see the contrib message below.
One of this package's co-maintainers is an employee of Strapi however this package is not officially maintained by Strapi Solutions SAS nor Strapi, Inc. and is currently maintained in the free time of the maintainers.
Absolutely no part of this code should be considered covered under any agreement you have with Strapi proper including but not limited to any Enterprise Agreement you have with Strapi.
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Supported Strapi Versions:
Strapi Version | Is Compatible | Last Tested |
v3.x.x | ❌ | Never |
v4.0.x | ❓ | Never |
v4.1.x | ❓ | Never |
v4.2.x | ❓ | Never |
v4.3.x | ❓ | Never |
Future Versions | ❓ | Never |
This plugin will not work with Strapi v3 projects as it utilizes APIs that don't exist in the v3!
Install the plugin in your Strapi project or your Strapi plugin.
# Using Yarn (Recommended)
yarn add strapi-plugin-audit
# Using npm
npm install strapi-plugin-audit --save
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
We are actively looking for contributors, maintainers, and others to help shape this package.
If interested please feel free to submit issues and pull requests!
Please Note: This package is maintained collectively by the Strapi Community Organization. While there may be a few co-maintainers, they are not the sole maintainers of this code and this code does not belong to the co-maintainers but the community organization itself.
Current co-maintainers are:
See the LICENSE file for licensing information.