ZhangGaoxing's Windows 10 IoT Core samples
This repository is licensed under the MIT License
- Analog-to-Digital Converter ADS1115
- Temperature & Humidity Sensor AM2320
- Digital Light Sensor BH1750FVI
- Digital Pressure Sensor BMP180
- Realtime Clock DS3231
- 3-Axis Digital Compass HMC5883L
- Infra Red thermometer Sensor MLX90614
- Time-of-Flight Ranging Sensor VL53L0X
- FM Radio Modulator Module KT0803L
- Ultrasonic Distance Sensor HC-SR04
- PIR Motion Sensor HC-SR501
- Temperature & Humidity Sensor DHT11
- ULN2003A Driver(Control Stepper Motor) ULN2003A
- RGB LED With PWM RgbLed