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How to change files and folders order in list

pavel edited this page May 18, 2016 · 3 revisions

The fileSorting option into Filemanager configuration file allows user to specify output on ordering files/folders list. Note that folders are always positioned at the bottom of the list. Use folderPosition option to change this behavior.

Important _: TinySort plugin does sorting, no need to worry about sorting while implementing server-side connectors.

By names

  • "NAME_ASC" : display the list in alphabetical order from Aa to Zz. Numeric will be displayed first.

  • "NAME_DESC" : display the list in alphabetical order from Zz to Aa. Numeric will be displayed last.

By files extensions

  • "TYPE_ASC" : display the list based on file extension from Aa to Zz.

  • "TYPE_DESC" : display the list based on file extension from Zz to Aa.

By files size

  • "SIZE_ASC" : display the list based on file size from Aa to Zz.

  • "SIZE_DESC" : display the list based on file size from Zz to Aa.

By modification dates

  • "MODIFIED_ASC" : display the list based on file modification date from Aa to Zz.

  • "MODIFIED_DESC" : display the list based on file modification date from Zz to Aa.

By images dimensions (images only)

  • "DIMENSIONS_ASC" : display the list based on image file dimensions from Aa to Zz.

  • "DIMENSIONS_DESC" : display the list based on image file dimensions from Zz to Aa.