Dockfile for Ubuntu with Unity desktop environment providing Ansible and associated tools.
This Image/Dockerfile aims to create a container for Ubuntu 16.04 with Unity Desktop which allow user to use Devops tools (Ansible-paramiko-netmiko-napalm-Atom) with this container.
You can build this Dockerfile yourself:
sudo docker build -t "stherien/gns3-net-automation" .
Or, just pull my image:
sudo docker pull stherien/gns3-net-automation
The default usage of this image is:
Start Gns3 and create a Docker image using stherien/gns3-net-automation.
Then drag the newly created image on Gns3 desktop app to start pulling image from DockerHub.
Edit gns3-net-automation configuration and adjust the default parameters of this image:
1 - Set Console type to vnc
2 - Adjust screen size
3 - Set Environment variable as follows: PASSWORD=ubuntu
Once you connect to the console, you can see this screen:
This image contains one input argument:
You can set your own ubuntu user password as you like:
The ubuntu user password will be taken from the PASSWORD environment variable.
This image will run as root except for Firefox which will run as ubuntu user.
The default setting of screen size will be as per defined Gns3 Docker parameter.
You can change screen size in Gns3 Docker image configuration panel.
Everything run as root except for Firefox. This is less than a concer for now since it's running under a Gns3 comntrolled environment.