Software package for neuron reconstruction and visualization
git clone -b public NeuTu
Make sure you have installed Qt 4.8.1+ (Qt 4.8.4 recommended)
Various versions of Qt can be dowloaded from
Go to the NeuTu directory and run
sh <qmake_path> <qmake_spec_path>
by specifying the qmake command path and the corresponding spec path. To build a version for the FlyEM project, use the command
sh <qmake_path> <qmake_spec_path> -e flyem
See neurolabi/Compile_Windows.txt for more details.
Copy neurolabi/gui/config.xml to the folder containing the executable
Copy config_flyem.xml and neurolabi/json to the folder containing the executable
The binary version for dark field neuron reconstruction can be downloaded from
Contact Ting Zhao: [email protected] for any questions or comments.