Node.js module that generates bitmap fonts (xml + png) from a Phaser 3 TextStyle json object
npm install -D @rtpa/phaser-bitmapfont-generator
yarn add @rtpa/phaser-bitmapfont-generator --dev
You can find the details of the Phaser TextStyle configuration object in the documentation:
The following basic example generates a bitmapfont (Arial20.xml and Arial20.png) from the default settings
const generator = require('@rtpa/phaser-bitmapfont-generator');
(async ()=>{
//generate textures
await generator.TextStyle2BitmapFont();
//exit node
return process.exit(1);
You are probably interested in generating a more exciting bitmap font. Here is an example with a nicer fontFamily and a border:
const generator = require('@rtpa/phaser-bitmapfont-generator');
(async () => {
//generate textures
await generator.TextStyle2BitmapFont(
path: './mydir',
fileName: 'myBitmapfont',
textSet: 'abcde12345=x+',
textStyle: {
fontFamily: 'Impact',
fontSize: '50px',
color: '#ffffff',
shadow: {
offsetX: 1,
offsetY: 1,
blur: 0,
fill: true,
stroke: true,
color: '#000000'
//exit node
return process.exit(1);
the TextStyle2BitmapFont function accepts a configuration object that has the following properties:
Property | Type | Description | Default value |
path | string | the file path that is used to write the .xml and .png files to | './' |
fileName | string | The file name of the .xml and .png file. | <fontFamily> + <fontSize> |
margin | number | Number of pixels that the chars will be separated in the .png file | 2 |
textSet | string | A string that contains all characters that will be included in the bitmap font | Phaser.GameObjects.RetroFont.TEXT_SET1 |
textStyle | TextStyle object | A valid Phaser 3 TextStyle configuration Object | {fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: '20px'} |
compression | imagemin-pngquant options object (or NULL to disable compression) | A valid imagemin-pngquant configuration Object | {quality: [ .3, .5 ]} |
antialias | boolean | This options is useful for generating bitmap fonts intended for pixel art games. When antialias is set to false, the semi-transparant border around the text characters is removed. (It converts all partial transparant bits to either fully transparant of otherwise a fully coloured bit). | true |
maxNumberOfColors | number (or NULL to disable) | maximum number of colors that is allowed in the final bitmap font .png file. This option is useful combined with the antialias=false option to generate multi-color bitmap fonts intended for pixel art games. PLEASE BE PATIENT! This option is a bit more time consuming. | null (min: 2, max: 128) |