Welcome to the VirtualAwesome framework.
va is a cross-platform framework that is continuously tested on Xcode (OSX),
Code::blocks (Linux), Visual Studio 9 (Windows), and Makefiles (OSX, Linux).
Each release comes with all necessary dependencies and is easy to build. If
this is not the case and you run into issues please let us know on the
discussion list: http://groups.google.com/group/va-users
The project files for the preferred build system/IDE can be generated with
cmake. On all supported platforms you can download the graphical cmake utility
(cmake-gui) and do this with a few clicks. For details check the documentation
wiki: http://code.google.com/p/virtualawesome/wiki/GettingStarted
If you are on the bleeding edge and want to work directly with the git/svn
files make sure you also get all the support libraries. Precompiled drop-in
packages can copied from the release package. Hit the discussion list if you
have questions.
Linux: osg-linux, opencv-linux, dc1394-linux, …
OSX: freetype-osx, osg-osx, opencv-osx, dc1394-osx, …
Windows: freetype-win32, jpeg-win32, osg-win32, png-win32,
zlib-win32, opencv-win32, flyCapture-win32, …
Stefan Hechenberger
Core Team
24 February 2010
- ~ new build tool. dropped cmake for premake. the cool thing about the new
one is that it generates distributable project files. all referencing
is relative. it’s less feature-rich but also much cleaner. - + global data directory, in addition to local one
- premake todo: trouble finding the MultitouchSupport.framework because
it is not in the main framework path - premake todo: on windows, ref both debug and release link libraries
- premake todo: dll copy build phase
- premake todo: clean also code::blocks files, Makefile
- TODO: osgExamples need cleanup
- + vaOsc addon
- + vaOpenal addon
- + va::random(…), randomWidth(), randomHeight(), seedRandom(…)
- - Rectangle class in Types.h
- removed pickShape is an xform → geode
where geode uses the geometry of the background
via addDrawable
Known Issues:
- sound on linux is not well tested
- cursor hiding in miceExample on Windows missing
- vaMice does not work on some Linux distros
- Scrolling events do not work on some Linux distros
- Pen events do not work on Linux
- Running apps from Visual C++ causes heap warning pop-up