- Low stock levels were a cause of frustration
- users commented on the high levels of out of stocks. This could force users to shop elsewhere
Adding a shop by size filter to appear as a sticky footer on the product listing page prompts the user
to select their sizes earlier in the journey to avoid viewing products not in their size.
- add size filter popup on the bottom towards right of screen
- list sizes vertically across 3 columns
- when user has selected a size display a tick in the size box
- when popup is closed use - in top right hand corner to close
- when popup is close user + in top right hand corner to open
- before user has selected a size display text "Select several sizes to broaden your choices"
- same functionality as 'refine by size' filter on right hand navigation.
- results page auto update once user has selected a size
- sticky in its position on the screen
- when user land on any of listed URL's display open popup
- if user closes the popup and then moves onto another listed URL keep it closed
- when user selects a size then moves onto another listed URL display popup with unselected sizes once
again. Don't carry forward sizes across categories.
- remove toggle
- seatmap be default
- cannot view best avail version mobile
- remove find seats button
- buy on map same functionality
desktop n mobile
- Find Seats For Me cta
- Buy on Map cta
desktop n mobile
- Select Your Own
- Best Available
desktop n mobile
- Find Seats For Me (text link)
- Buy on Map (text link)
- Select Your Own (text link)
- Best Available (text link)
- added translations for Germany and Finland
- added switch statement/ function for languages