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5. Exporting your Launcher

steevLP edited this page Aug 25, 2019 · 2 revisions

You're almost done! Your configured everything you need and created the backend Server.

Editing the App Icon

The only things left to do are replacing the Default Icon with your beautiful own one. You can do that by opening assets/icons/win and replace the icon.ico with your Image. Note: This Image needs to be converted to a .ico file and name it icon.ico or the Launcher won't detect it and produces errors during build process

Setting up Your Github API Token

It sounds harder then it is! Header over Personal access tokens and Generate a Token there. Write this Token down and paste this command in a Powershell prompt [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("GH_TOKEN","<YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>","User") Instead of "<YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>" Paste the previously Generated Token and hit Enter.

Building the Application

After setting up your icon and your GitHub API token, the only thing left is opening another command prompt and type npm run publish. If it failed, check your GitHub Repository link. if it didn't fail, your launchers installer will be in dist ready to launch.